Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Tome of Citizenship (Players Guide)

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Legend of Altera
um i cant find the link to read the tome
can i have a little help?
(sorry for asking)


Legend of Altera
it ok i have already finished it whe i was told i think yester day or the day bfore that thanks for the help
p.s plz take a look at my ap i was asked to fix it up question 8. and i have, but sally or the pirate queen has not replyed yet


The Anime loving Brony
it ok i have already finished it whe i was told i think yester day or the day bfore that thanks for the help
p.s plz take a look at my ap i was asked to fix it up question 8. and i have, but sally or the pirate queen has not replyed yet
Vanar, do not ask us to look at your application, it will just cause us to feel angry with it and may cause someone to decline it. Please, wait a while, and someone will almost certainly give a reply. Do now post anywhere about it
How do I get into the server? I have read the Tome of Citizenship and the whole apply for whitelist page , but I just cannot find the application could someone please tell me how to get it?


King ForumStalker
You're both very strange :p

Gold, do what these guys have said but also make sure you use the whitelist template supplied in the stickied thread at the top of the applications for whitelisting section. It will save you so much time.
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