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[Elf] Saelihn


Lord of Altera
*Journal entry* ((special note! again without pen or paper, and not actually anywhere))

Hello again Mother. I've had some time to think lately. Are you really leaving? It doesn't seem like you and the other gods would just leave our realm. Maybe you need more prayer and praise? When I get back....if.... I get back... I'll work harder than ever to extoll your greatness. I'll build a new temple for you in Calan - much better than the one which was damaged in the storms. I'll get new robes and wear them all the time, so people will recognize me as Your priestess.
I don't think I'll marry again though, it has only caused unwated heartache for me and everyone involved. It's not that I wasn't meant to be loved, its that I have to appear pure or people will have difficulty believing my words.
I wish I could see you Mother, but I understand such a demand is selfish and unfair. I'm sorry Mother.
The afterlife is very ... dark. I still can't see anything, and I don't know what I'm even writing on. Maybe I'm just thinking all of this.
I've tried to get up, but it is as if I no longer have a body. Strange. Is this what it is like for you Mother? This... State... I don't have the words for it, but I feel we are closer than ever - but the rules here are completely foreign to me.
I tried to see if I could find a way back home on my own, but I don't know the way back. And again, how would I go back home without a body?

And... I'm sorry Mother. What I did in front of Logan... When I took my own life... I did it out of spite,I wanted to hurt him far more than he was hurting me... But this was too drastic ... I'm sorry Mother.

I love you Mother. I know we are close, but so far.


Lord of Altera
*Another astral entry*

Mother. Sometimes I think I can hear them... My friends and loved ones. Is that normal? Is that what it's like now? It's just a mumble, like listening through a wall with a helmet on. Heh. Do you think they miss me? What about Logan? Think he's doing ok? I sure hope so... I shouldn't have done that to him... But I just couldn't take anymore... That was such a bad day, and no one would just give me space. They kept chasing me, hounding me... Till I just couldn't take anymore. I screamed and they wouldn't listen. I threatened and still they came at me. I hated it. I hated them. I wanted them to suffer for all the pain they were putting on me. ... I'm sorry. That was wrong and selfish of me. I should have just taken it...smiled... I know that's what everybody really wants... Just for me to be quiet and smile.

The longer I'm here... The further everything seems. Am I ... Is Great Mother... Is the Sisterhood going to help?

I love you Mother.


Lord of Altera
*An astral entry in an astral journal*

Hello again Mother. It's me again. How are you? I'm pretty ok, getting used to things being like this. Is that good? Maybe I should feel more uncomfortable. . . ? I wish I had someone to talk to, besides you Mother. I mean you're a great listener, but it's nice to hear responses sometimes. What if I don't get revived, and I'm here forever? That would drive me mad. I don't think I can handle being all alone like this for eternity. I'm sure this isn't how you normally live, it's far too barren... There is nothing here, no love... None. I know your realm would be much more loving, more beautiful than this. Mother. Where am I? Am I ever going to go home?

I love you Mother.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
you do know she won't be able to read this when she revives, right
I'm pretty sure it's just being written for the fun of character exploration. As these writings don't actually exist for anyone to find. They're fun to read, though.
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Lord of Altera
*Ghost writing in a ghost book with ghost ink*

Hello again Mother. How are you? I am well. I mean, all things considered I'm doing just fine. What do you think everyone else is up to? Do you think Dyra took over for Calan? I sure hope she did, I know she can be a strong leader - even if she doesn't see that in herself. I hope Logan's ok. It was really mean of me to do what I did. . . And how about Robin? Think she and Eugene have gotten together yet? Or how about Galo? They seem pretty close too... I wonder if Jackson has a proper stall. . . I know he really wants to sell stuff. How about Thordil! I wonder if he's developed any new drinks. . . I sure could go for one of those right now. Hathindar might be up to stuff too... I'd need to ask him though, but you know I can't. Is there anyone I'm forgetting? Well... Padragin, but. . . I don't think she would even know about my passing, she's probably off practicing how to be a ranger. And Illthilior. . . What a loathesome man, I'm sorry Mother but even now I'm aggravated by what he did. . . Oh, and Murdoc, how can I forget about the Dragon Warrior? I . . . Mother I really would not want to wed either Logan or Murdoc, does that make me a bad person? I mean. . . I love them, but not in that way. I wonder if Vevila has been told yet. . . I so wish I could talk to her right now, I could really use some advice . . . or just someone to talk to. . .

I love you Mother. I'm so lonely.
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Lord of Altera
*Ooooo spoopy entry*

Mother! There are other people here. I can hear them, but I don't know how close they are to me. I don't really even know where I am... I'm scared, are they demons coming to take me away? One of the voices... Might be. Maybe they are just other people who died. I don't want to ask though, maybe they'll come and take me. I better just stay quiet.

I love you Mother.


Lord of Altera
*This is definitely not written down, but you know... It's still written down.*

Mother. I had a dream today, or maybe I remembered something? Not sure. I was in the jungle again, that was nice. I miss that. How long do you think it's been now? I find it really hard to keep track of time, there's really nothing to go by to guage it. I'm not getting hungry or sleepy and there is no day or night. I dunno, maybe I didn't dream it, or remember it. Maybe I just made it up... I dunno.

Remember back when I was a girl, at home with everyone? And I'd ... Always. . . something. I can't remember that anymore.

Or how about here at.... What's the grove called?

I can't remember that stuff anymore. That's okay though right Mother?

I really do think I remember being in the jungle, I mean... I know it! I can't be making that up, I remember the jungles so clearly. Trees, animals, life...

Oh yeah, I'm dead. I'm still dead Mother. I bet everyone has forgotten about me.

I can remember them now Mother, my friends in Calan, and playing in the grove of Haliou when I was a child.

Remembering that stuff just makes me sad now.

I love you Mother.

Do you love me?


Lord of Altera
*Saelihn doesn't write in anything, but again writes*

Mother. I was thinking about bugs today. I'm dead, so that means my body is... Well somewhere... But I bet by now bugs are eating it, wriggling through my muscles and going in and out of me. It's good for them, I'm sure my body has lots of nutrients. I'm not at all bothered by that thought though. I'm not using my body anymore, so it'd be a good thing if someone was. It's probably bugs. And that means even now, even in death, I'm still in someway a part of the jungle.

That just made me very sad. I don't like it here. I miss being alive. I missing having my friends and lovers near me. Do you think they still remember me? Do you think anyone prays for me? I prayed for Pádraigín, everyday... I wonder if anyone is praying for me like that.

Sad again. Everything I think of just makes me sad now Mother. At least I'm not losing track of myself now, that was pretty scary.... Oh well. I'm getting used to it here. I'm growing comfortable with this still emptiness.

I tried calling out to the other people. No one answered. Maybe I'm the only one here. Maybe I'm truly all alone. How utterly hopeless. We live life, and this is our reward. Nothing. What a cruel joke life is. The punchline isn't very funny either.

Mother, why hasn't Great Mother revived me? Is she unhappy with me? Or is it that you haven't even asked her to? Maybe you're ignoring me Mother. Are you?

Mother, if you are there give me a sign. Anything, you can do anything and I'll take it as a sign.

Mother... I love you... But are you there?


Lord of Altera
*More writing that isn't there*

Mother. How long has it been? I have no idea at this point. I think I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm really dead and going to be here forever. The afterlife is really not what I was expecting. This place is so empty, so dark. Can't say I like it here, but I guess it could be a lot worse.
I've also decided that perhaps you are not here at all, maybe you can't reach this realm. Or perhaps it is that you just don't care about me. I'm sorry Mother, for being an unwanted child. Is it just me that is unwated? Or perhaps it's all of your children? Maybe you've grown tired and weak and can no longer care for us. I suppose things like that happen, I can recall the times when the elders in the village were no longer able to care for anyone... They usually found honor in ending their own lives so that the community wouldn't suffer a burden. Maybe you have reached that point Mother? Or then again perhaps it's just me, and it's obviously selfish of me to ask for you to grant a favor to me. Are you even able to bring the dead back to life? It seems like something a God would be able to do. I know Shalherana can... Or did Vevila say something about the sisterhood?
Maybe... Do you think the sisterhood of Shalherana is doing well? Perhaps some terrible harm has befallen them and they are unable to bring anyone back anymore. It'd have to be very recent, because not even a month... I think it was a month.... Was it? How long have I been here... Anyway. I know Pádraigín died and came back. I prayed for that everyday.
Maybe no one is praying for me? Do you think that's true Mother? Have I truly been forsaken? The fact that I am still in this dark afterlife makes me believe I have been forsaken.

I love you Mother, even if you don't care about me.