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Som's Experiment


Retired Staff
I am glad I will always have Hollowworld to shield me from the horrors of the world and make sure nobody will ever disagree or dislike me again, for I am never wrong nor do I do anything out of line for I am perfect. This saltyness currently on Hollowworld is amusing to observe from an outside perspective and it's outright pathetic that you cannot be mature enough to keep the negative part of the rating bar.

Talk about a flaming protection blanket forum this is.
Nobody is taking away your ability to post disagreements or your opinion, we're removing a button that people have been using immaturely. The way people are handling the removal of a button just goes to show that we were right in removing it. If you have a constructive criticism, feel free to state it. If you're just going to be salty over it, you're adding nothing to the conversation and justifying its removal.


Legend of Altera
You're absolutely right that things happening in a children's game are insignificant. Especially in light of your number of threads asking for X to be removed/added and your various grievances against things happening in said game, which, as we both agree, are insignificant. I'm sure you'll agree with me positing that your grievances, being on an insignificant topic, are themselves insignificant and can be summarily dismissed.

Ooor, the game itself isn't particularly serious, but people have invested time and sometimes money into the world we've collaboratively created, and calling their efforts and emotions insignificant in an attempt to troll people is astoundingly rude.
Well might I ask what a 21 year old man is doing playing a children's game. If this "Children's Game" is truly this insignificant remove all rules and allow everything. I removed my post because I was a little idiot who thought he was entitled to do whatever he wished without consequence. I find it wrong to remove people's ability to disagree to things to be plain stupid. And the disagree button is simpler than writing a novel about why you disagree with something.


Lord of Altera
Nobody is taking away your ability to post disagreements or your opinion, we're removing a button that people have been using immaturely. The way people are handling the removal of a button just goes to show that we were right in removing it. If you have a constructive criticism, feel free to state it. If you're just going to be salty over it, you're adding nothing to the conversation and justifying its removal.
Then the whole point lies in punishing those that have been spamming the button, not the entire removal of the feature... that's like cutting the entire arm for a scratch on the finger!


Lord of Altera
Listen friend, i've been here for four years. I know what this place was, then became, then is currently. And the only point I really want to make is that doing things like this isn't exactly helping.

It's not about whether people are wanting to be rude, or are making fusses, it's about the fact that you remove a server-wide function that was majoritarily well-used to express disagreements. I already was finding the removal of dislikes a bit far-fetched, but even disagrees??? It was repeated countless times that disagreement is a neutral feeling! If someone is having problems dealing with it, it's their problem, not the person that disagrees, or the system. This very kind of useless debate wasn't common a while ago, and people weren't making fusses over getting disagrees NOR dislikes.
Listen friend, you come across as a whiny teenager.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Sorting through the pages- I noticed there hasn't been a valid point of /keeping/ the disagree button besides several users of it whining for it. (Really @Valonyx? We take out the disagree button and you feel like punching your screen? @Dr.Patriot .. Really-? Something something some game took away my ability to click an icon that holy symbolizes why I do not agree because I cannot write and type it out for the 1 minute I took to read that post?) Then there're several valid reasons why it should stay removed. No one here has given reason for me to be for placing the disagree button back. Most of these reactions are without any factual reason to keep it.

I can't sort and reply to every post- But removing the disagree button doesn't take away your will to voice an opinion. Obviously- the influx of posts and discussions here show that. I'm hearing you all. And not a single one has given good reason to keep what was rightfully sealed away.

Then we're letting a tiny minority decide the actions of the entire forum base. A rather flawed argument.
A lot of laws and rules are based on a very small minority-
It is sad, I know, but we have to play by that minority. :(
I had to respond to this at least. The laws placed by this "tiny" minority are decided and based upon the actions of the majority. The disagree button was abused way to many times for our liking and we decided it was time to take it away from those grubby fingers. No- this doesn't mean you folks are barred and not free to dislike things and post why it should be kept. Give us reason why it should stay.

One of the positive reasons it was take off was that it promotes active discussion, dispels instant negativity. If you all go log into your favorite media sight (Someone mentioned it already)- You'll notice there's rarely a dislike button. No disagree button. Not many have negative ratings. (Save for youtube- youtube's community is negative and weird- No sane person reads the comments.) There's no forum site where disagrees are useful and not hurtful. Most social medias only have likes, hearts, reblogs, and responds for positive outlooks on their.. well- media. If someone disagrees with something, they can literally ignore the post or write a rant instead of just "I disagree- I don't have to explain why". This'll only promote constructive criticism.. along with more rants. Negative or positive. Now there'd be words to back up what that little icon did.


Lord of Altera
This is why we need the disagree button to avoid dumb spammy comments such as this.
Is it so bad if someone makes a post to express their thoughts? Or would you rather people shut up?

Why not remove the ability to post threads altogether!


Lord of Altera
I agree with Valonyx on this matter, it is frustrating to see a server you love, turn into "political correctness cesspool" ( So quoted from Val. )

So what someone disagreed with you? I image if a few of you had the ability, you would disagree with this post, and so what? I'm not going to cry in a corner because someone doesn't share the same ideas. But this is on another level. I feel, I should not be scared to share my opinions, however from how I see it, my "Opinions" are quickly being brushed under a rug, because they no longer matter, and when spoken, the staff would cry out and call me wrong, inhuman, and evil.

I would punch my screen as well if I where a masochist, but instead I'll shake my head, and remember what the server use to mean to me, just as painful.


Lord of House Hawklight
Political correctness cesspool? Lol? This is a privately run server, it can be moderated in any way the staff see fit. I've been here for a year longer than Valoynx, and there isn't some crazy shift towards political correctness on the server, it's always been this way, you guys are inventing that shift let's be honest. If there's been a shift at all, it's in the rise of baiting for reactions, and negative attitudes. It's very obvious that a specific group of people is against the changes, and that's fine, but the way in which it's been represented has reinforced the fact that the ratings really did nothing positive.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I think there may be a bigger question as to why people who aren't on the server anymore are so up in arms about a button on these forums.

Edit - Sniped by axex.


Lord of Altera
I was one of the people that argued for its removal and this thread is the perfect example of why I argued for it. Every person that's disagreed with the removal has had to post a reasoned response as to why they disagree, facilitating discussion in a way the disagree button never did. The disagree button never added anything to discussion, and was being abused. This way, people can disagree in a way that furthers discussion, not discourages people to pariticpate.
Eheh, I agree with this to an extent. But there are several things on the forums that I find that if I open my mouth that will tend to get myself in trouble if I do, and likely a public lynching for an opinion.
So It's best to let the disagree button so the work for you, and to spare the feelings of others.


Doge Keeper
You can literally still post whatever opinion you have. No one is trying to silence you unless you're being a giant dick. Removing a button does not effect that in any way, shape, or form. This thread is proof of you guys not being silenced, there are plenty of opinions not being silenced. I can't understand that irrational statement.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
We're all allowed to share our opinions via posting, we'll just get punished when we do.
Eheh, I agree with this to an extent. But there are several things on the forums that I find that if I open my mouth that will tend to get myself in trouble if I do, and likely a public lynching for an opinion.
So It's best to let the disagree button so the work for you, and to spare the feelings of others.
You should ask yourself why that'd be so. Maybe players need to actually think about what they're writing before posting- yes?