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Som's Experiment


Lord of House Hawklight
Eh, when I don't feel strongly enough to back up my disagreement with a post, I just move on. I've disagreed with you a few times Tybalt, but I don't think I've ever left a rating haha


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
In the end it all boils down to creating more problems than it solves, it was a staff desision and you are subject to staff

Just relax.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
As people wish, as the disagree button is disappeared, I shall write out the rant/negative comments that we're now all put into. After all, we can't disagree now I'm openly salty.
[Salt immediately removes my argument as being reasonable obviously.]

I believe that this thread is a fantastic showing of why we might want the disagree button. People aren't rather good at forming their opinions or thoughts into statements which make sense. I've seen from this forum and server alone that people who disagree with things aren't that great at giving off their reasons. Maybe they'd prefer to not be ridiculed for their opinions, as some people have done. Yes, @Saelihn I mean you. You've been increasingly antagonistic in this thread and have truly shown your real face. Good job on being a massive cunt.

Now for the criticism. As for the disagree button, you're seeing right now what it does. You think this is a productive environment? This is a good discussion? I've wondered when abysmal, cancer, horrendous, and disgusting replaced the meaning of good in the dictionary. Surely this inflammatory discussion is the LAST thing you wanted to have happen. If it isn't, then perhaps it's best you're not making a good amount of decisions.

Now, away from criticism and onto the constructive parts, I say the disagree button needs to return to allow this to not happen. The people who abused the button? They didn't respond afterwards because they merely clicked the button and that was it. It wasn't swelled into this massive flaming thread full of hatred and true faces of people. I'd say if anything the disagree button kept those types of people locked away. They removed the posts of absolute hate and nothing constructive but still allowed them to be heard that they don't enjoy what's been posted or promised. If that's the 'abuse' seen from it, then I'm afraid that's what it was meant for. In fact, an easier method of getting rid of confusion between dislike and disagree, BRING THE DISLIKE BUTTON BACK.

Honestly, all this over two buttons. Go ahead, use that statement just there as a counter-argument against the bringing of the buttons back, but honestly it'll help better in the long run. For now, you're just trying to keep the pot held down over the broiling mess before it explodes. It's going to happen eventually.


Legend of Altera
In the end it all boils down to creating more problems than it solves, it was a staff desision and you are subject to staff

Just relax.
This is the exact thing you shouldn't do, you should openly discuss the pro's and con's of the server to come to a conclusion of how to actually fix it, kicking back and relaxing solves nothing for the problem's still going to be there.

"You are subject to staff" Right. So you're not entitled to share and discuss opinions.


Lord of Altera
Listen friend, you come across as a whiny teenager.
I disagree with that statement. And I don't think I have to write a whole sentence for you to know what it means by me disagreeing with this. If we had a disagree button we could have avoided this conflict, and the insult thrown @Valonyx way. But I know that he is mature enough to not whine over a simple snark.


Lord of Altera
You should ask yourself why that'd be so. Maybe players need to actually think about what they're writing before posting- yes?
It seems like everyone who disagrees with the decision, no matter the reason, is morally in the wrong.


Lord of Altera
>two sides fighting over a button

>Agree with both sides to an extent

>Decides to keep mouth shut and see what it is like without him ranting

>same exact thing

>button aint coming back

>tfw you still try and argue over a lost cause and are doing nothing to help it by spreading crap all over it


Retired Staff
It seems like everyone who disagrees with the decision, no matter the reason, is morally in the wrong.
We haven't seen any concrete arguments against the button's removal, just angry reactions and vitriol. If you guys want it back, make an argument for why it has benefit instead of throwing tantrums.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
It seems like everyone who disagrees with the decision, no matter the reason, is morally in the wrong.
It may seem that way- But I correlate that to the upset rants being made alongside the need to want it back. If you or anyone else here can show us otherwise- wouldn't that be swell?


Lord of Altera
This type of reaction is generally predicted with any change staff make, not everyone is going to like everything. Fact of life. We can't make everyone happy.

However. If people, specifically the ones that have jumped out and raged unreasonably, attacked and bullied people and staff is all because they cannot show this sort of behavior via a disagree button. Then I don't think we should promote such distasteful behavior by bringing it back. This is not what being in a community is about. Do you guys read how many are upset when people have to leave, or when characters pass away? We share things in confessions that we don't share outside, this place is meant to feel SAFE.

It is not a place to bully or degrade people, it's not a place to call people names or pick on them for no reason other than you want to. It's not a place to troll.

HollowWorld is here for people to get together, make friends and create stories. Probly a bunch of stuff that I can't think of right now.

The disagree and Dislike button has only been here for 2 years, the server is around 4 years old already. It's not a defining mark or moment in its definition.

IF anything defined HollowWorld, I would HOPE it's the fact that we're constantly trying to promote a friendly behavior with both players and staff, if I have to go back to quoting myself- HollowWorld main feature is that its rules are well enforced :D.

Princess Wizard Laura

Lord of Altera
*Crawls out of turtle shell.*
I don't think people should just dislike something for no reason, but if they feel like they dislike it, they aren't in the wrong for having their own opinions. People shouldn't have to explain what they feel because, at times, it simply cannot be explained. If you are so intent as to find out what is wrong, that could be done in a private message on the forums, but otherwise, let people say what they wanna say~.
*Crawls and hides in her shell once more.*


Lord of House Hawklight
It's hard to take someone seriously after that feel the need to throw that insult into their post. However, the removal of the disagree button hasn't instantaneously created 'cancerous' discussion as you seem to think. That's been here a while button or not, fighting on the forums has been a thing for a loooong time, and changing one thing doesn't change that. Also yeah, it is only two buttons, but you guys have reacted way stronger than anyone else, I'm chill, because it meant nothing, I just thought it was a good idea, and I'm still convinced it was. Hell take all the ratings away, doesn't bother me.