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Som's Experiment


I don't feel as though I should have to explain why I disagree with something if I don't have to explain why I agree with something.

I'd personally be satisfied if the agree button was removed as well.


Legend of Altera
This type of reaction is generally predicted with any change staff make, not everyone is going to like everything. Fact of life. We can't make everyone happy.

However. If people, specifically the ones that have jumped out and raged unreasonably, attacked and bullied people and staff is all because they cannot show this sort of behavior via a disagree button. Then I don't think we should promote such distasteful behavior by bringing it back. This is not what being in a community is about. Do you guys read how many are upset when people have to leave, or when characters pass away? We share things in confessions that we don't share outside, this place is meant to feel SAFE.

It is not a place to bully or degrade people, it's not a place to call people names or pick on them for no reason other than you want to. It's not a place to troll.

HollowWorld is here for people to get together, make friends and create stories. Probly a bunch of stuff that I can't think of right now.

The disagree and Dislike button has only been here for 2 years, the server is around 4 years old already. It's not a defining mark or moment in its definition.

IF anything defined HollowWorld, I would HOPE it's the fact that we're constantly trying to promote a friendly behavior with both players and staff, if I have to go back to quoting myself- HollowWorld main feature is that its rules are well enforced :D.
This is exactly what I am saying, HW is not fun anymore because of the fact that you, the staff, are claiming everything is bullying as soon as a bunch of people point out that another person is wrong and force people to essentially wear a helmet and protection blanket when the people want to go out for a nice walk. People should be able to take risks and share their opinions honestly without being afraid of getting banned for sharing an unpopular opinion. The rules are to be frank not very well enforced from my point of view, and if you are so quick to say people are raging and attacked people, that is exactly why we need to disagree button because HW to be frank does not accept truthful and honest things which might come across as true but are still mean. If you get insulted easily and think everyone whom disagree with you are raping, bullying or harassing you, you need to put in some earplugs, go into your bedroom and shut off the light and lay down on your bed and cover your eyes so you don't get offended.


Lord of Altera
You can literally still post whatever opinion you have. No one is trying to silence you unless you're being a giant dick. Removing a button does not effect that in any way, shape, or form. This thread is proof of you guys not being silenced, there are plenty of opinions not being silenced. I can't understand that irrational statement.
If you have an opinion that is against the vast majority here. No matter how well and maturely represented. It's going to get shut down. Like @The Courier and the recent American Gay Mariage thread. I believe he just pressed a disagree button, and it left a downhill spiral into the thread getting locked. It would have been worse if he typed out his full opinion.

And don't tell me "But that opinion is different"


Lord of Altera
This is exactly what I am saying, HW is not fun anymore because of the fact that you, the staff, are claiming everything is bullying as soon as a bunch of people point out that another person is wrong and force people to essentially wear a helmet and protection blanket when the people want to go out for a nice walk. People should be able to take risks and share their opinions honestly without being afraid of getting banned for sharing an unpopular opinion. The rules are to be frank not very well enforced from my point of view, and if you are so quick to say people are raging and attacked people, that is exactly why we need to disagree button because HW to be frank does not accept truthful and honest things which might come across as true but are still mean. If you get insulted easily and think everyone whom disagree with you are raping, bullying or harassing you, you need to put in some earplugs, go into your bedroom and shut off the light and lay down on your bed and cover your eyes so you don't get offended.
As much as I want to say you have a point, you have a point. HOWEVER. This is a privately run server. the fact they are even giving you a chance to speak of something is completely a privilege, and can be taken away at any time. you can moan and complain, but ultimately they get the decision, Call them tyrants if you want, but they rule this server, whether you like it or not. Sometimes you cant fight the system, no matter how hard you try, Y'gotta just live with it.


Retired Staff
This is exactly what I am saying, HW is not fun anymore because of the fact that you, the staff, are claiming everything is bullying as soon as a bunch of people point out that another person is wrong and force people to essentially wear a helmet and protection blanket when the people want to go out for a nice walk. People should be able to take risks and share their opinions honestly without being afraid of getting banned for sharing an unpopular opinion. The rules are to be frank not very well enforced from my point of view, and if you are so quick to say people are raging and attacked people, that is exactly why we need to disagree button because HW to be frank does not accept truthful and honest things which might come across as true but are still mean. If you get insulted easily and think everyone whom disagree with you are raping, bullying or harassing you, you need to put in some earplugs, go into your bedroom and shut off the light and lay down on your bed and cover your eyes so you don't get offended.
Except calling someone a cunt is in fact bullying. So long as threads remain civil we keep an eye on them but don't lock them. When they degrade into insults, personal attacks, and invalidation of people is when we step in.


Lord of Altera
Except calling someone a cunt is in fact bullying. So long as threads remain civil we keep an eye on them but don't lock them. When they degrade into insults, personal attacks, and invalidation of people is when we step in.
Sniped me.

If people are going to devolve into flame when they can't press the disagree button, it's clear they were going to abuse it anyway. This change just makes it easier to identify the toxic people and punish them.


Legend of Altera
Except calling someone a cunt is in fact bullying. So long as threads remain civil we keep an eye on them but don't lock them. When they degrade into insults, personal attacks, and invalidation of people is when we step in.
Calling someone female genitalia is not bullying, and it is dumb to state that because that means, Baron, that if you EVER insulted anyone you have indeed bullied people, which is dumb to assume.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
If you're talking about wanting to hide the ugly side of people behind a disagree button- then Sally summed up a response to it well enough.
Below that, I missed it completely :oops:
I believe Sally's post only shows how happy go luck and unrealistic the expectations are. You've all noticed a rise in the flame between people in the forums even after the dislike button was removed. I've seen it from people left and right, both 'sides', as it seems to be a trend to call it that, will never admit they're wrong or that the other is right in some aspects. Honestly, this will just be another thread swamped with people uttering the same responses over and over because they aren't ever answered with their reasonings.

It's hard to take someone seriously after that feel the need to throw that insult into their post. However, the removal of the disagree button hasn't instantaneously created 'cancerous' discussion as you seem to think. That's been here a while button or not, fighting on the forums has been a thing for a loooong time, and changing one thing doesn't change that. Also yeah, it is only two buttons, but you guys have reacted way stronger than anyone else, I'm chill, because it meant nothing, I just thought it was a good idea, and I'm still convinced it was. Hell take all the ratings away, doesn't bother me.
I'd love to live in a world where a simple insult disallows any type of argument to have a reason behind it. It must be easy to go ahead and tell who makes sense and who doesn't compared on how they treat people who are obviously trying to derail, be condescending, and might I say. . useless to the discussion. Life must be really easy.

Sally, your post wishes to have people not degraded nor bullied. Well, this all started after the disagree button was removed. I'd say ban away the perpetrators, which might even include myself, but we both know that's a flawed argument and a rather irresponsible method. Which I will say Thank you for not being that way with people.

Except calling someone a cunt is in fact bullying. So long as threads remain civil we keep an eye on them but don't lock them. When they degrade into insults, personal attacks, and invalidation of people is when we step in.
I only insult people who deserve it. Saelihn has been entirely antagonistic towards anyone who held an opposing opinion and even to Caprex in game today. She had used his past banning as a reason for him to be in the wrong.


Retired Staff
Calling someone female genitalia is not bullying, and it is dumb to state that because that means, Baron, that if you EVER insulted anyone you have indeed bullied people, which is dumb to assume.
Sure, calling someone "female genitalia" isn't bullying, except cunt is pretty solidly accepted as a high-tier curse word and carries further connotations. Arguing over that is arguing over semantics and cultural differences, which is a plenty worthy argument but should be had somewhere else.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Sure, calling someone "female genitalia" isn't bullying, except cunt is pretty solidly accepted as a high-tier curse word and carries further connotations. Arguing over that is arguing over semantics and cultural differences, which is a plenty worthy argument but should be had somewhere else.
Where I'm from it's hardly even taken seriously.


Legend of Altera
Sure, calling someone "female genitalia" isn't bullying, except cunt is pretty solidly accepted as a high-tier curse word and carries further connotations. Arguing over that is arguing over semantics and cultural differences, which is a plenty worthy argument but should be had somewhere else.
Then Baron why did you say he was bullying if he wasn't? Calling someone a bully is a serious accusation he indeed did insult Saelhin. But the Dictionary prevails in this case.


Lord of Altera
Calling someone female genitalia is not bullying, and it is dumb to state that because that means, Baron, that if you EVER insulted anyone you have indeed bullied people, which is dumb to assume.
Insulting someone with a derogatory term IS bullying.


Lord of House Hawklight
Calling someone a cunt does weaken an argument a bit though, I don't start discussions in my tutorials at uni by calling someone who is arguing something that isn't productive, or slightly insulting a fuckwit. I'm from Australia where 'cunt' doesn't really have any weight when used contextually. Sure I've called every single one of my best friends one, but that is very different to using it as an insult, context matters in every case.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
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Retired Owner
Eeeh, maybe I /should/ just remove all the ratings.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Also, folks, watch the language. If this threads gets locked because of language, that would be tragic.