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Non sum qualis eram
Because anything regarding matter is formistry, which is already imbalanced and poorly aligned. Direct teleportation would be under such a discipline, and last I was informed as a part of the magic team, it (formistry in general) isn't happening.

also your question is dumb never type again
Funnily enough me and legion actually have a mathematical formula specifically on the amount of energy required to teleport an entity. (It used to be Evocation.)


Hold up-

Formistry is still being worked on. There will be four Disciplines.

Carry on
AKA there's no progress and no one's writing it yet. Keep in mind each branch took 2-3 months to be written before, folks. We've waited over a year for this lore and we'll be waiting a couple of months longer.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Funnily enough me and legion actually have a mathematical formula specifically on the amount of energy required to teleport an entity. (It used to be Evocation.)
I was told.

What an opus that could have been.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Hold up-

Formistry is still being worked on. There will be four Disciplines.

Carry on
AKA there's no progress and no one's writing it yet. Keep in mind each branch took 2-3 months to be written before, folks. We've waited over a year for this lore and we'll be waiting a couple of months longer.
Unless I'm being left out of the loop in spite of being in a group meant to be informed (which as happened before, not a large surprise), smoke and mirroring that we're progressing will lead to a greater downfall. Rygan likely has the right of it.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
This is a question that similar ones have been answered before so I would like everyone to read it fully before throwing out the obvious answer as I already know it. Okay so we know when species that are capable of breeding such as elves and humans interbreed they full take the characteristics of one of the other parents racially.

My question is a bit more invovled so stay with me. Now what I want to know is this a phenotype gene phenomena. Meaning this is because one parents genes come out dominant in this mixture. This is well established meaning we can't have half elves, dwelves, etc. Thats fine I'm curious however is are those genes actually present in the offspring but merely recessive.

I will give a series of examples.

Generation One
Moor+Silver Elf=Moor Elf Silver Elf+Forest Elf=Forest Elf

Generation Two
The Moor Elf child from above + The Forest Elf child from above=?

Now if the genetics are simply recessive but are present that means they are both carriers of Silver Elven genes and by using a handy dandy little Punnet Squares you all likely remember from High School they should come up with a roughly 1 in 4 chance of both passing on their recessive traits and having a Silver Elven child result from a Moor and Forest Elf union.

And before some one points out the major differences between Forest and Silver being societal there are subtle difference in the lore such as a Forest Elfs gifted vision and Silver Elves ears that are racially specific. So I'm just curious could the above thing happen? Or do our gentetics merely work like a hamsfisted "This is forest elf now, completely and utterly once born. Their parents are irrelevant genetically."


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Are penguins lore approved, and would I be able to train them with fish into Roman Legions?


Lord of Altera
This is a question that similar ones have been answered before so I would like everyone to read it fully before throwing out the obvious answer as I already know it. Okay so we know when species that are capable of breeding such as elves and humans interbreed they full take the characteristics of one of the other parents racially.

My question is a bit more invovled so stay with me. Now what I want to know is this a phenotype gene phenomena. Meaning this is because one parents genes come out dominant in this mixture. This is well established meaning we can't have half elves, dwelves, etc. Thats fine I'm curious however is are those genes actually present in the offspring but merely recessive.

I will give a series of examples.

Generation One
Moor+Silver Elf=Moor Elf Silver Elf+Forest Elf=Forest Elf

Generation Two
The Moor Elf child from above + The Forest Elf child from above=?

Now if the genetics are simply recessive but are present that means they are both carriers of Silver Elven genes and by using a handy dandy little Punnet Squares you all likely remember from High School they should come up with a roughly 1 in 4 chance of both passing on their recessive traits and having a Silver Elven child result from a Moor and Forest Elf union.

And before some one points out the major differences between Forest and Silver being societal there are subtle difference in the lore such as a Forest Elfs gifted vision and Silver Elves ears that are racially specific. So I'm just curious could the above thing happen? Or do our gentetics merely work like a hamsfisted "This is forest elf now, completely and utterly once born. Their parents are irrelevant genetically."
Basically what you said at the end more or less sums it up.
If born forest elf, then totally forest elf. It holds true for all of the "half elves" who are in fact fully one type or another.


Lord of Altera
"This is forest elf now, completely and utterly once born. Their parents are irrelevant genetically."
I'm pretty sure this is how that works. It's either fully one parent's race, or fully the other's, with the grandparents' races having no input.

Are penguins lore approved, and would I be able to train them with fish into Roman Legions?
Unless Minecraft adds them in a future update, penguins are found only in the Southern hemisphere of Earth-- And we're inhabiting the land known as The Northern Kingdoms, heh.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I'm pretty sure this is how that works. It's either fully one parent's race, or fully the other's, with the grandparents' races having no input.

Unless Minecraft adds them in a future update, penguins are found only in the Southern hemisphere of Earth-- And we're inhabiting the land known as The Northern Kingdoms, heh.
Do not ruin my idea of a Roman Empire ran by Penguins..

Not serious, by the way, if that wasn't clear xD


The Lurker
Retired Staff
The way I've understood it is like this:

The Moors, Silver, and Forest Elves aren't difference races, so much as "nationalities" so to speak. A group of folks that adhere to certain societal and cultural norms, and therefore share genetic features just due to proximity. It's like the image of Scandinavian people having fair skin and light hair, yet red hair and freckles being commonly associated with Irish and Scottish folks. They're all still human, but different traits based on a group of people staying within the culture and reproducing. In the case of the elves, they're all still elves. The difference is less of a "racial species" thing, and more culture based.

If a forest elf and a silver elf have a kid, the kid's going to be part of whichever culture it spent the most time in. Or it could be neither and just be "elf" as it's not required they adhere to any of the three cultures.

A chance that I've got my wires crossed, but I thiiink that's the scoop diddly on it all. Faelin


Lord of Altera
I bring to mention the Galápagos penguins, which live in the northern hemisphere. Paint, your legions of penguins still have hope.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Forest Elves take 14 months to be born. With women ovulating every 10 years according to lore.
Silver Elves take 15 months to be born. With women ovulating every 12 years according to lore.

This is more than a cultural difference. As for the being totally one race is kind of lame to me as that kind of ignores how genetics work but it is easier I guess.

As for Penguins they added Polar Bears into the latest patch for Minecraft so Penguins are not a outside the realm of possibility.


Lord of Altera
There are a number rod warm weather penguins, in fact Calan has(had?)occasional populations of them...

But the zombos mighta eaten them.


Lord of Altera
Forest Elves take 14 months to be born. With women ovulating every 10 years according to lore.
Silver Elves take 15 months to be born. With women ovulating every 12 years according to lore.

This is more than a cultural difference. As for the being totally some lame to me as that kind of ignores how genetics work but okay it is easier I guess.

As for Penguins they added Polar Bears into the latest patch for Minecraft so Penguins are not a outside the realm of possibility.
Elf genetics are just different.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
It would sure be nice if all them questions were summarized in the first post together with their answers *hinting-bump-hint*


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
In a perfect world we'd go for your punnet grid example Immerael, but as soon as you add a playable rarity to lore, it becomes commonplace, so hamfisted is necessary in lieu of any better explanation. Perhaps if people wanted to RP as the 25% chance babby they could ask staff and we could do our usual squawking to decide if we let em or not, based on various factors including the player's OOC conduct and RP skill reliability.


Lord of Altera
Forest Elves take 14 months to be born. With women ovulating every 10 years according to lore.
Silver Elves take 15 months to be born. With women ovulating every 12 years according to lore.

This is more than a cultural difference. As for the being totally one race is kind of lame to me as that kind of ignores how genetics work but it is easier I guess.

As for Penguins they added Polar Bears into the latest patch for Minecraft so Penguins are not a outside the realm of possibility.
I agree that it's lame


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
In a perfect world we'd go for your punnet grid example Immerael, but as soon as you add a playable rarity to lore, it becomes commonplace, so hamfisted is necessary in lieu of any better explanation. Perhaps if people wanted to RP as the 25% chance babby they could ask staff and we could do our usual squawking to decide if we let em or not, based on various factors including the player's OOC conduct and RP skill reliability.
This is a factor I hadn't really considered but I have seen it myself so I'll agree its a concern. Thank you for the thoughtful answer Ced I appreciate it.