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Lord of Altera
I think the logic of things tends to bother us so much that we tend to forget that for every weird or difficult to understand rule, there exists a simple answer: roleplayers be crazy


Dark Council Elite
The way I've understood it is like this:

The Moors, Silver, and Forest Elves aren't difference races, so much as "nationalities" so to speak. A group of folks that adhere to certain societal and cultural norms, and therefore share genetic features just due to proximity. It's like the image of Scandinavian people having fair skin and light hair, yet red hair and freckles being commonly associated with Irish and Scottish folks. They're all still human, but different traits based on a group of people staying within the culture and reproducing. In the case of the elves, they're all still elves. The difference is less of a "racial species" thing, and more culture based.

If a forest elf and a silver elf have a kid, the kid's going to be part of whichever culture it spent the most time in. Or it could be neither and just be "elf" as it's not required they adhere to any of the three cultures.

A chance that I've got my wires crossed, but I thiiink that's the scoop diddly on it all. Faelin
But they're completely different racial subclasses because of the gods. Moor elves were made a separate race beccuse of Queen grief :(


The Lurker
Retired Staff
But they're completely different racial subclasses because of the gods. Moor elves were made a separate race beccuse of Queen grief :(
I'll give you the point about Moors. That's true. But I'll stick by what I said about the other two at least.

Lady Alec

Captain No Fun
Retired Staff
I'll give you the point about Moors. That's true. But I'll stick by what I said about the other two at least.
We have lovely lore that dictates how each sub race of Elves look, act, their culture, and how they are different. I think it's a real shame people don't use that and just say "Oh it's just an Elf and it's just how they are raised if Silver or Forest." If people actually used the lore and the sub races right we could have some amazing culture and elves wouldn't just be pointy eared humans.


Non sum qualis eram
Because people wrote the race lore for elves without actually co-ordinating with each other, you see discrepancies in things such as gestation - combined with different people having differing opinions on how they work.

If you treat them as separate interbreeding specie they take up popularity slots 2-4 in terms of characters (With Oomans in slot 1), and are all flavors of elf sundae that have been done before.

As far as backmatter goes, they are all the same species, and originated in the same place initially, and grew slowly different over time the way normal human cultures have.


Lord of Altera
Something I've realized about the Sisterhood of Shalherana.

They revive basically anyone that OOCly posts up a revival application. Perfectly fine, but -why- do they revive everyone?
Yes, I know about the rolling thing and there is always a chance (after first two deaths.) that you may not revive. I can see that, but Shalherana is a.. last I checked, the proclaimed 'Goddess of Life.'
So why, pray tell does the Sisterhood bring back murderers and evil people?

(I can understand that evil people don't always murder, they can just be really terrible people, like stealing/pillaging and all that. But if you're evil and linked to murdering in a negative fashion.. You're still evil, you're in that chain.)

its heretical k


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Something I've realized about the Sisterhood of Shalherana.

They revive basically anyone that OOCly posts up a revival application. Perfectly fine, but -why- do they revive everyone?
Yes, I know about the rolling thing and there is always a chance (after first two deaths.) that you may not revive. I can see that, but Shalherana is a.. last I checked, the proclaimed 'Goddess of Life.'
So why, pray tell does the Sisterhood bring back murderers and evil people?

(I can understand that evil people don't always murder, they can just be really terrible people, like stealing/pillaging and all that. But if you're evil and linked to murdering in a negative fashion.. You're still evil, you're in that chain.)

its heretical k
shallherana doesn't give a shit unless they're like genocidal probably
old campaigns necessitated constant revival so that people could die in battles and be revived to continue fighting
it's why some characters are like centuries-old


Lord of Altera
shallherana doesn't give a shit unless they're like genocidal probably
old campaigns necessitated constant revival so that people could die in battles and be revived to continue fighting
it's why some characters are like centuries-old
It goes against the entire thing regardless


Bored Brit
It goes against the entire thing regardless
I look to the Norvag way of thinking.

Shalherana is the Godess of life, she revives anyone.

She is the godess of life.

She doesn't need to look into mortal affairs. She revives because its her nature to do so. We mortals aren't big or special enough for God's to actually care, and if they do its because something huuge happens.

Now, this has been written by someone who wasn't here for the Gods, but I feel like it makes sense


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
It goes against the entire thing regardless
They only look for the person's will to live, not their intentions. Meaning, they mistakenly revive murderers many times because they still have their will to live and are drawn back to the worldy realm.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
She cares about the quantity of life, not the quality of life. In my mind, even if they're a murderer, in that moment, the Sisterhood is returning one life in that single moment. The murderer may go and kill 20 people, but the Sisterhood doesn't look at what they might do when they come back. They just look at bringing another living being into the world. At least that's my viewpoint on it. And then, also like Cukie said- A soul that has a will to live.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Most of above have it right. And it's not like the Sisterhood can track people's murder records- they aren't omnipotent that parse through everyone's life (roleplay) to see who killed who and judge 'em for it. They only care if the character wants to come back and they carry on their intended duty.


Non sum qualis eram
Sometime back I think I posted something about: "The ideal world, in a given god's mind, if they were unopposed."

In Shalherana's ideal world, life runs impossibly abundant. Every group of human parents would have at least triplets every pregnancy, and there'd be no such thing as infertility. Bacteria and biological viruses run rampant, fungus spores drift through the air. Algae and fungal blooms roil through the oceans and rivers. Famined animals fight for scraps and carrion, worms, and the living fight over the bodies of those that collapse in the carpet of detritus that coats the world.


Lord of Altera
Or they follow their god to the letter. Y'know, like the old Lore master said, just above your post.
keyword 'old'

being the fact that the sisterhood revives murderers which is a double stupid considering if a murderer comes back, oh look, more people die and something invisible replaces it


Dark Council Elite
Back in the day the Sisterhood was in place to revive those who had a greater use fighting against the Armies of Naught. The PCs generally just all had a higher placed destiny than any NPCs, so NPCs weren't revived.


Lord of Altera
keyword 'old'

being the fact that the sisterhood revives murderers which is a double stupid considering if a murderer comes back, oh look, more people die and something invisible replaces it
ok so do the nuns or monks or whoever actively track every murderer's life to tell if they need to be revived or not? do they know if a murderer intends to commit more murders if revived? the answer is no.