Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Weekly Artwork2.0


Lord of Altera
deadass why are you quoting josef mengele i am so confused
The quote relates to the picture in the fact I drew a dictator and his army. The quote is about free will and how it can easily be manipulated. In the picture you see a dictator looking down at his loyal army of followers. When drawing the picture I thought of his quote and how easy it is for one man to rule and control a nation and the people to blindly follow. For example Adolf Hitler. Until the end of the war his nation followed him and he would kill people publicly and control aspects of peoples lives and eventually the people stopped believing they were being controlled and started to accept it as just part of life and at the time if someone said Hitler was controlling and manipulating them they would not believe. The same goes for the Russian people during the reign of Stalin. They did not believe Stalin was bad or controlling and some older people within Russia today still dont believe he did anything wrong. My boyfriends grandmother believed Stalin did nothing wrong up until a few years ago and its because if you keep doing something people will just accept it. "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." - Adolf Hitler. You can look at North Korea as a modern day example of this concept. Or use experiments like the Stanford prison experiment or the Milgram shock experiment as proof of this concept. So I used the Dr. Mengele quote to sorta show the theme and mindset for the picture I drew. Sorry for the read I get carried away when talking about history and psychology.


Lord of Altera
Started a million things and managed to only finISH ONE

Monster Hunter World hype yeeeeehawww - what with the giant bagpipes 'n' whatnot. Hunting horn best weapon.


A miserable little pile of secrets

you all knew this was coming. DRAW THE BIRB PEOPLE. You could do anything you want, be it your own Makani or a current character.
have fun looking at bird references for ages.

Otherwise.. GO NUTS.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
mine are late entries for the other two because ive been dealing with my spazzy hand
(its so shaky i cant draw right anymore hahaha oh man)
