Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming Come, open thy floodgates [4th October 4pm EST]


Legend of Altera
Flyers have been spread in Astrum & Storm's Landing, they are somewhat messy for they were made in a hurry.

I have seen many weep for their child were buried at the ripe age of one, cry over one piece of bread falling in the mud, for it was meant to feed the family. I've seen it all, the same story almost everywhere I have stepped foot in. So now I call you, those who can. Come open your floodgates, weep to me and I will hear you. I will try and aid you, for that is what one must do. Perhaps even Sallana will hear you if you cry loudly enough.


Where? In Astrum, outside the tavern, or inside if it rains or it is otherwise impossible to stay outside.
When? 4 pm EST 4th of October.
For who? Everyone who has suffered from poverty or the likes may come to speak. Everyone is welcome to listen.
Rating: Peaceful, no violence will be tolerated.

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