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Event Request Thread II

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HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach

- Event Request Thread II -

{ Month of October 2021 - January 2022 }

Hello Players,

This is the Event Request thread. Here, you can follow the format and type out a request for an event for you and your party. We want to open up the world to events again, as that helps players with their own experience and progress. However, here comes the hard part: I want to make sure that people know this is a careful process as DMs have to organize a plot, content, and schedule with the Requester before anything actually takes hold -and it could be more than a week or month before anything can happen. We’ll attempt our best, but there is no guarantee that your request will be accepted -here are the following reasons why:

-Didn’t fill out the form
-It’s too specific, or vague
-It isn’t within lore bounds
-The concept doesn’t need a whole event or arc
-It isn’t feasible
-There’s a backlog of requests and we can’t get to you anytime soon
-No DM is available

This new format may allow for more flexibility for the DM, while minimizing the chances of their burnout. There will be more focus on themes rather than a specific gain. Everything is still in trial- and if the DMs cannot keep up with the player influx of requests, we’ll go back to the drawing board.


The form also includes a section titled 'IC Basis'. This is to ensure that there is a premise for the event IC, and that you have gone through the proper channels to know about locations, or creatures, or occurrences. Random encounter events are still available, just specify your character is going from A to B and you OOCly would like them to be attacked by bandits or wendigo or something like that. This section is mostly for people actively looking for things IC.

An example of a good IC basis:
"Jackson is looking for BIG BOY STEEL and intends to find it, using the prior learned knowledge that BIG BOY STEEL is generally found in the tundras of the north. He intends to look for it in any abandoned mines that can be found among the hills and mountains of the tundra."

An example of a bad IC basis:
"I want BIG BOY STEEL and am looking for it."


The DM will edit your post status and give you a rating involved. Moderate rating means the experience will be relatively tame, and may not involve a lot of risk for characters. Violent rating means the experience will involve character risk and involvement. The difficulty is specifically for those involved with the stat system: Low difficulty means you don’t require a high experience to be involved. High difficulty means those close to max stats will consider it a challenge.

This means that Violent ratings with a low experience difficulty will still bring a challenge to newer characters without setting the bar too high.

Status: Claimed / Declined
Rating: Moderate / Violent
Experience Difficulty: Low/Average/High


Moving forward, there will be no guarantee or reliance in gaining artifacts or special trinkets. You may still aim for it as a goal, but our intention are to focus on story rather than loot.
Reasonable loot will be available, as well as HC items.


  • If you’ve put in a request, do not put in another until that first one is complete. You may make a 2nd post if you've been waiting 3 months.
  • We will be valuing “community” this round. Your regular event requests must include at least 3-4 players, even if 2 end up attending. We want to avoid players going on solo adventures as there should be risk that comes with most events players ask for, and your DM shouldn’t be focusing on 1-2 players for a 3hr event. Not unless they want to.​
  • As the Party Leader, you must make sure all your players can attend during the same time as you for at least 2-3hrs, during your availability, so that scheduling is easier on the DM. You don’t need to pick your members at request time, but once the event is accepted and set- you’re responsible for organizing who attends.​
  • Gaining special items: artifacts, trinkets- will no longer be the focus of these events. And the majority will not have any. We want to look into experience and roleplay, first and foremost.​

The following is a prompt list of potential event themes:
Adventuring, Treasure-Hunting, Lore Discovery, Hunting, Mystery, Horror, Battle.

For the time being, Event’s scope is limited to: Beasts, Flora, Supernatural, NPC interactions.
Figments & others will be tbd, unless the pitch calls for it.

Current Active Arcs:


Should your event be accepted, the DM or you can make a thread after discussing it, and upon this thread you and your designated party (The DM will decide if its private, or if they want to open it up a bit) should post the following with your sign up:​

Character Name: [Who is attending?]
Profile Link: [Character profile link here, please!]
Magic Link: [Magic form link]
Equipment: [The DM can ensure you have these items in game with props if required, but a simple list of what you’re bringing to this event is ideal.]




IC Basis: [Write up a small blurb about why your character is doing this, how they know of a certain location or beast, their motivations, etc. This part is to ensure there is a solid IC premise for the event itself.]
Overview: [This should be a rough outline of the event you are looking for. If it is a hunt, or a bandit attack, a seige, etc.]
Location: [Do you have a preference to a location, can it be anywhere, would you like it at a set region? Wilderness?]
Party Size: [Roughly how many players will be at your event? 8 or less? 3 or less? Is this a personal event with you and a friend only?]
Rating: [Would you like it to be a moderate or violent event? Peaceful events are not required to have a DM. The DM will adjust the rating if it does not match the request.]
Preferred Date/Time: [Whilst it is up to the DM to discuss specifics, a rough day and time would be good. When works for you?]

Logos by Elz
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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
IC Basis: After a discussion of Whatever Is Happening and what it might mean, Som and a few others have decided that it is probably a good ideato make sure the Blightlands are... quiet. And that they stay that way until Whatever Is Happening has sorted itself out.
Overview: I was hoping for a series of events ("hunts," puzzles, lore discovery, etc) so we can get different groups of folks some fun experiences.
Location: Patrolling the edge of the blighted lands, at least, perhaps with some forays into the interior.
Party Size: Right now we have four, but I would like to have this be semi-public.
Rating: Moderate to Violent
Preferred Date/Time: Can be worked with the DM! I'd like at least myself, Veradite, GoldenProphet, and TheDeester to be able to go on the first one, as it was discussed IC between these four.

Status: Claimed IceandFire
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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
IC Basis: Another day, another hunt. Asero’s already fought a Garulf once - it went well, all things considered, but he’s still not satisfied. He didn’t get the prize he desired, and rightfully so; a ballsy maneuver was attempted to take the kill, but someone else’s arrow was faster and far more efficient in that.

So, keeping an ear to the ground, Crow begins gathering a new party for another hunt. This time, more intent on acquiring his prize, and for better or worse of the party’s safety, better armed to kill this creature.
Overview: Garulf hunt. GARULF HUNT!
Location: DM’s choice.
Party Size: 6, maybe (but very unlikely) 7
Rating: the last garulf hunt resulted in 3 fatal injuries. This will be violent.
Preferred Date/Time: Saturday or Sunday !

Status: Claimed by Scroll120
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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Very much of a 'no rush' situation

IC Basis: Magpie squad want to do some ruin exploration (whether knowledge gained by rumours or old event sites)
Overview: Ideally more than one event though I don't need some massive chain so this is just a general 'I might make this event post again'. There's a group of people down to explore some ruins, sorta like treasure hunting things and I'd like to possibly get some event(s) going when a DM who's down is cleared up a bit from their current workload. Whether it be exploring ruins for loot/lore or just some PvE against whatever has settled in the ruins (ex. bandits or beasts, could also just be like, someones rigged the place with traps or something, solid freedom with that)
Location: Anywhere probably, I proposed possibly old event cites (I'm slightly wondering if any of the old nether stuff is still around from Augry [x] cause that's something that could be like a 'in' as far as what Eliss currently knows but he's been to a good handful of events and is quite the social butterfly for rumours so there's a lot of outlets there)
Party Size: I think we average around 6 with our schedules
Rating: Violent most likely
Preferred Date/Time: Eventually I guess but I'm busy a bit myself and I know there's a lot going on event wise and irl wise for other people/DMs

Status: Pending
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Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
IC Basis: Laicelem and Sophie wish to make Sophie's soul whole again, as there is a missing fragment kept by the Twin Horn demon after her exorcism. As they do not yet know the location of his territory in hell, the event will need to include their search. Laicelem has navigated hell significantly and knows his way to Dranoden's area, so he is no novice to venturing through the depths. Laicelem has done his homework with Ashna and Lysander to learn how the soul cairns work, as well as how exorcisms work and how the soul can be split from it. He also knows people can be made whole again per Frost. It is probable that he will have more knowledge/experience in this topic after his upcoming venture back to Dranoden's realm to free more souls.

Overview: This is a soul-heist. We want to smash those jars and free some souls, and fix Sophie's.

Location: Hell; Geomorren's territory.

Party Size: 4-6

Rating: Violent

Preferred Date/Time: Will be worked out between party members, most likely a weekend.

Status Pending
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Ur mom
Retired Staff
IC Basis: After smuggling some Emperor Scorpion eggs out of Soolera, Sophie had placed the eggs (four in total) back out into the mesas some distance behind her manor in hopes the offspring would survive despite her intervention. With her recent absence from the house, the growth of said Scorpions has gone unmonitored, and Sophie now wishes to make sure they don't venture too close to her land.

Overview: Basically, this will be Sophie looking for signs of these scorpions, and likely culling them if they seem to be too close for comfort.

Location: In the mesa behind her manor. I can circle the general location on the map for the dm.

Party Size: 6-7

Rating: Violent, I imagine

Preferred Date/Time: Anytime after August 6th.

Status Pending
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"Something need doing?"
IC Basis: Velmont once signed up to a contract with Apoptep, the Shattered Apostle. After his contract was shattered, thanks to his 'caring' extended family, he figured he needs to plan the downfall of the Archfiend, before it messes up his schemes and the schemes of his allies.

He will seek to determine where the lands of the Shattered Apostle are, and learn more information about the Archfiend.

Overview: Velmont and allies will seek to determine where the lands of the Shattered Apostle are. They will not be seeking to attack as of yet- unless there is an extremely juicy target that they stumble across. They will seek to find out who the enemies of the archfiend are, and if Apoptep has any neighbours who'd live nearby him (who might also be his enemies).

Event will be scouting for the most part!

Location: Hellscape

Party Size: Wide and varied roster to have around 6 people at the event.
Rating: Violent
Preferred Date/Time: We can organize when2meet with DM(s).

Status Solus
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Lord of Altera
IC Basis: Branko in his endless battle against the pantheon marches outward to weaken his enemies. To destroy shrines, kill worshippers and weaken the gods he so despises. And to eventually perhaps fight something from the gods themselves.
Overview: I essentially want to have a small campaign or event to eventually get to fight an angel of a god. Ideally one that's against Skraag such as Grey Lady or Valiant.
Location: I leave this up to the DM, could be in the midlands or perhaps sorrows.
Party Size: Around 6 most likely.
Rating: Extremely Violent.
Preferred Date/Time: Can discuss with DM.

Status: Pending
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Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
IC Basis: Having escaped from hell, Keone is searching for some level of normalcy. What better way to do it than to conduct research? Specifically, Keone is looking for rumors and stories of defunct Constructs in the hope of finding one to dissect. Specifically dead ones- He has no interest in killing one. He hopes to both learn more about Constructs through this, as well as use it as a teaching moment for his formist student.

Overview: Mostly looking to track down some leads on where to find a mostly intact construct body! Perhaps some gang is keeping one as a trophy, or one has been left abandoned and non-functioning in a cave or fort. The hope here is to simply learn more about Constructs and how they function. Would love to discuss with a DM more to find whatever is easiest. Just looking for a simple event, could even be a one-shot.

Location: Anywhere you think I can find one! Would be dependent on where the body is.

Party Size: Roughly three to four as long as schedules align.

Rating: Moderate or Violent. As mentioned above, would be down with stealing a body from thieves/bandits/a black market auction.

Preferred Date/Time: Would love to discuss with a DM! I believe the lot of us are all American timezones.

Status: Sankera
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Lord of Altera
IC Basis: Imperator Branko Callas has tasked Vowrawn with quelling a small scale rebellion on the edge of his territory. The rebellion is situated within a small manor that previously used to be used by Vowrawn.

Overview: Bust into the Manor and deal with the Rebels

Location: Central Forests [-2230, 52, -3304] The manor build is actually my own build but I am happy for event team to edit it as they wish for the event.
Party Size: 3-5 People [Plus NPC's of Vowrawn's Retinue, but I know they will just be doing background scuffles]
Rating: Violent
Preferred Date/Time: BST Weekday Evenings/Weekends. BST timings please

Status: Pending
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
IC Basis: Aster is Lana's son. Very little else matters to her anymore. During her time in Hell, she did not get to watch him grow up. Upon her return, she learns he wishes to learn the ways of Theodra... a path she is proud for him to follow. Unfortunately, the conditions of his birth meant his eighteenth birthday may be a potential death as Magic promised to 'take back what she gave' if Lana's son was not 'hers' by then... a condition to which she had little choice in when the eyes of a God are looking through you and you can see everything all at once breaking your mind.
There are now two options: beg a God to save Aster from Magic or bargin with Goddess Magic.
Lana will first try the diplomatic route... for she has long missed the stars.

Overview: Lana is going to try and summon Magic / Lady Arcane / Felicite in order to try and release Aster's soul from her promise to reclaim it. This event may double as Lana's return to Magic's faith, if all goes well.

Location: The mysterious symbol circle on that small island on the western coasts. It is a mysterious place out of the way. Perfect.

Party Size: about 5 (Lana, Linden, Milah and maybe one or two friends)
RagingLunacy Jazzper

Rating: Moderate

Preferred Date/Time: Evening British + European times

Status: Lannis
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
At the current moment, my Staff Event team has been fairly busy irl or hosting their own events. If there are any player DMs that people can reach out to or are personally interested in picking up any events that aren't related to gods or angels- please feel free to reach out in an event ticket or in my DMs for a quick claim.

I'd still prefer folk use this thread as a means of event requests instead of making an event ticket. Folk will be shifted and pointed to make one here, unless we're discussing things in detail.


Loyal Servant of Altera
IC Basis: Faith has figured out the news of Dranoden from Leofwine. Not knowing to much about the Archfiends herself and seeing a lot of information be kept private about the issue. She wishes to figure out more information and stop any others from getting more powerful.
Overview: I want to get into fighting The Apostate's contracted or some minions.
Location: At the hills?
Party Size: 5-6
Rating: Violent
Preferred Date/Time: Weekends, can be discussed with the DM(s)


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hey there- I'm still looking for fellow Player DMs open to hosting their own events or picking up requests here.
I want to remind folk that posting here isn't entirely a guarantee of getting an event request. It'll work out if there's a DM interested, the request is achievable/possible and if there's time for it.

IC Basis: Faith has figured out the news of Dranoden from Leofwine. Not knowing to much about the Archfiends herself and seeing a lot of information be kept private about the issue. She wishes to figure out more information and stop any others from getting more powerful.
Overview: I want to get into fighting The Apostate's contracted or some minions.
Location: At the hills?
Party Size: 5-6
Rating: Violent
Preferred Date/Time: Weekends, can be discussed with the DM(s)
There may be some confusion on the names- The Apostate/Apostle is a different Archfiend than Dranoden. I may want you to start exploring and roleplaying with other characters to get more information first, so you have a better idea of where to pursue fighting Dranoden, or the Apostle.

This also goes for all the Fiend search requests- I would implore and recommend trying to figure out stronger hooks and clues, rather than aimless searching through the Hellscape.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
IC Basis: To celebrate the coming of age for Cillian, Marian wants to have a hunt with her family. What she believes to be a basic hunt around her grove may be something more treachorous.
Overview: Hunt the thing! The initial goal would be something like an elk, though if the dm has something more dangerous they wish to throw out there that is 100% fine.
Location: Forests around 2384, 4112
Party Size: Likely 2-4(maybe 5 at max)
Rating: Violent
Preferred Date/Time: Afternoons or evenings, preference against Tuesday's.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
IC Basis: With Albert's soul damaged as a result of his exorcism, he's slowly been recovering and with his blessing, he feels it apt to try and pursue a campaign against Geormorren to try and restore his soul and weaken the Ashlands of his grasp in the name of God.
Overview: Siege, investigation, demonology-related events. I'm hoping this could be formed into an arc?
Location: Ashlands & The Underworld in Geormorren's domains
Party Size: 4-10
Preferred Date/Time: 3PM EST forwards, preference during thursdays. Though, however and when the majority of players can attend could take priority.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hey lot, I want to re-emphasize that this thread is not a guarantee for an event, but that if a DM is available, they'll likely pick up your event.
That being said, we have struggled to find DMs for these requests due to irl, burnout and that DMs want to host their own events. As someone who's done two server demon arcs back to back, this is a shared sentiment. I'll leave the thread open, but it'll potentially be closing so I can figure out a better structure of hosting events where people can gravitate towards DMs, rather than have DMs pick up events they can't find the the time or energy to do. I'm sorry for those still waiting.
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