Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

XI_Reggy_IX whitelist application [Declined - Alaila] (Age)


1.Username: XI_Reggy_IX
2.Age: 12 (i know i'm young but mature all the same.) ignore the age 21 thing it was to see if there was an age limit. (dumb me)
3.Gender: male.
4.Country: i live in Birmingham,England.

5. i have read the tome of citizenship and i fully understand and agree with it all.

6. i think having roleplay is good in a community it lets people act like who they want to be.

7. well my name is Reggy my intrests include (in game) are: keeping people from arguing and fighting, definetly using redstone (its tricky but i love it). my hobbies are 1 definetly minecraft and using old gaming sytems and playing classics i.e: using my GBA to play pokemon yellow. why i am here well because playing minecraft is my thing realisticly im not a pro but i try my best. I have never been on your server so i dont know what to expect hopefully a well built civilised community in which i can be a part of.Well i have a few more hobbies that are making videos i would like to start making machinimas but my computor hates me with f1 3 and 5 keys.
some things i do aswell is scenery for videos and such like castles houses shops all simple buildings but with a little Reggy in 'em.(what was i thinking when i typed that?). Well thats pretty much all i can say my life and hobbies arent that interesting but my hardwork and friendship is.

8.well i have example of my work but i lost the password to my old youtube account (dumb me again) but i do have a youtube channel now it's

9. just if i have done anything wrong in this application i am sorry for not filling this in correctly.

10. i am aware that black magic is banned and i cannot stress enough how much i hate people that do it i just don't see the point.

11.i cant really remember (dumb me strikes again again) but i heard good stories and recommendations about it.

12.yes i am and i will when ever i am asked.

that is all about i want to say but excuse my spellings and i hope i can get onto this server aswell

love XI_Reggy_IX (no homo)

oh and if any skin changes or house locations need to be changed (for recording purposes) i am happy to do what i can to help and would very much like to be a part if you choose.


Loyal Servant of Altera
hello! pls tidy up your app by reinserting the questions to match your answers! also pls add some more to number 7 telling us about yourself, your hobbies, work, school, what you want from life in 10 yrs, anything about you! we are a community and we like to know our players:heart:


Loyal Servant of Altera
hello! pls tidy up your app by reinserting the questions to match your answers! also pls add some more to number 7 telling us about yourself, your hobbies, work, school, what you want from life in 10 yrs, anything about you! we are a community and we like to know our players:heart:
my fault didnt see the age
ignore me


Lord of Altera
Sorry, you must be at least 13 to apply for a whitelisting, sorry. Thank you for applying but wait until you are 13.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Others have said it...
I'm sorry, but we do have an age limit on this server.
Wait a few months and when you are 13 try again if you are still into minecraft. :)
Best of luck to you!