Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application For IV2B [Declined - Sodium]


1.IV2B - Minecraft username
2.Age - 16
5.Yes i have
6.Yes i feel many things i love roleplays because they are fun and I play whit real people.
7.Im a quite cool guy i like soccer and i play the guitar and im funny.
9.No im quite done now.
10.Yes i never use those i allways find stuff myself
11.A friend told me about it.
12.Yes i have voted for you.


Lord of Altera
Please include the questions themselves and try to work a little better on the questions. Especially 6 and 7 need a lot more.


The Lunarch
you need to work on this. no effort has gone into making this 7 needs sentances or more.

Please redo your application, including the questions to your responses. You can find a good example of what yours should look like on the template application found here.



The Lunarch
This application has been pending vast improvements for well over a week, and since none have been made, I am going to decline this app. If you still wish to apply, you will need to make a new application using the template found here.