Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

demonic_porkchop's whitelist application :D [Declined : Bettymorlock]]

1) ign: demonic_porkchop
2)age: 14, turning 15 in october
3)gender: male
5) yes i have read the tome of citizenship.
6)no i do not have any experience roleplaying, so this server will be my first :)
7)i am an australian 14 year old in melbourne who is jewish. i am here because i like medieval/fantasy stuff and i like minecraft. my hobbies are soccer, video games and listening to music. i listen to bands like disturbed, a7x and dead by april. i will play any type of video games (except fifa and singstar which i dont see either of them as REAL video games), but my favorites are skyrim, minecraft and call of duty. my favorite foods are pizza, chicken and fries. i also have a vast general knowledge in certain subjects.
8) any past work:
the giant glass structure is something i made with a team of about 5-6, but we used smoothstone where all that glass is. we might be replacing the smoothstone with the video's contents in the future.
9) nothing really, except that i have a bad computer atm, so go easy on me with the whole pvp aspect.
10) i am aware. it is one of the fundamental principals i was tought by my village's elders (see, im roleplaying already :p)
11) i found out about this server when i was looking for a medieval rp server (they are surprisingly hard to find and that is why i would really like to get whitelisted)
12)have you voted for us? yes.

thank you, and i hope you consider me. sincerely, demonic_porkchop


Loyal Servant of Altera
pls just edit it to put the questions back in so we can see what questions youre answering ^^


Lord of Altera
hes not posting the questions that were oh the template, im gunna deecline this. sorry but we dont have time to waste on someone who cant take the time to post the questions. no ill will, but this is taking way to long.