Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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jade-application [Declined - Reap]


i have reed the tome of citisonship.
i think roleplay is a fun way of playing minecraft and i played on one other server wich was roleplay i injouyed it very much.
my name is jade and i love dogs and cat. im told by my freinds im a good cook .i dont do any sport . my freinds say im a tom-boy so yer . im right now singal. im not the beast speller i fail a lot but o well . i hope to become a person on this server that is nice careing/loveing things like that. i all so hope to be come a big contributer to the server
i do under stand that (black magic is a bad thin ect)
i found the server well just looking for one
and i have voted for you :)


Lord of Altera
This is not a very good application because of the following thing:
Please add the questions themselves, including the numbers, to the application. Watch your grammar and punctuation when you make an application To be honest, I must say your grammar and punctuation is not fit for an Australian girl of your age. Your age in your account differs from the age that is on this application; it says you're 17, while this one says you're 18. In question 7 we ask for 8 sentences or more, you gave 8 poor written, very short sentences that don't even fill up more than three lines and almost tell nothing about you.

So, the conclusion: You should make a whole new application and shouldn't be so hasty with it. Make sure you read everything important before posting it and watch your grammar and punctuation while writing it. Prove that you aren't a lazy twelve-year-old that's just trying to get on the server by age-faking.


Lord of Altera
yes im 18 to day in 20 mins and ok ill restart and take more tim to do it
There you go, you just showed yourself. By saying it's your birthday today, while your account clearly says Jul 22, you broke your cover. Confess about your real age and we might ignore your lie.


Lord of Altera
I'm not going to argue with you about this, but I would like a moderator to take a closer look at this.


Lord of Altera
Though I must add that it's impossible to change your birthday on the forums, so it's impossible that your brother just changed it for no reason.


no when i was making the accont i whent to the loo thats when he did well thats what he told me