Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Dryani - Application [Declined - Sally]

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1. Your Minecraft username: Dryani
2. Age: 26
3. Gender: Male
4. Country: USA

5. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? Yes

6. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying? I like it, and yes.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more. I am a software developer who enjoys having cars restored, riding motorcycles, and playing games. I have only played minecraft for about a month, but think it will be great fun once I find a server worth sticking with. I have a small parrot that has more personality than most people, and a little girl rat. At work I do 2D/3D design, web design, technical writing, and other content creation tasks. I will be having surgery in India in about two weeks, and the surgery/recovery will require me to be down there for four months. During this time I will likely be playing a lot of Minecraft lol.

8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video. I do not have any photos of my work, because I have not found a server that was stable/good enough to fully realize my designs. I built a fairly large self-sufficient castle on one server, with an indoor arboretum, indoor farming and irrigation, and a fast minecart ride that went to the very lowest levels, around and over lava pools and ending at a place for mining and fighting creatures. On the last server I was on, I built a 3 story hotel that was set up to provide new players with shelter and supplies.

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us? I like the idea of working together to progress, and I hope that this is a good community.

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? Yes, and like most cheating, I would imagine that it completely removes the fun from the game. What's the fun in finding diamonds if they are visible from the beginning?

11. How did you find out about our server? I did a Google search for the term "Best smp servers" and clicked on the visual ad for one of the top results.

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here) Not yet, but I will if this is a pleasant server.

Donations: Please consider donating to keep Hollowworld alive. Hollowworld is almost a year old and has survived this long through the generous support of our very active community. A donation of only $10 will give you the Lord title and 10,000 Radiants (in-game currency) to help you on your way to settling in one of the many towns & cities throughout Altera. I do have disposable income, and would be more than happy to donate to the server if it proves to be stable, have a fun structure, and a good player base.


Lord of Altera
The instructions for number 7 say eight sentences or more. We want to know more about you as a person. Also, tell us more about your experience roleplaying. DnD? Fable? What?

P.S What's with the red font color?


I'm sorry Darko but if you represent the moderation for this game then I withdraw my request to become a member for 2 reasons:

1- Counting my number of sentences is exceptionally petty.
2- The red font color is obviously used to separate the questions from the answers. I have no idea why anybody would need that explained, or why it would ever be an issue. Again, petty.

If you do not represent the moderation for this server, then please ignore this post. If you do represent it, then please delete my application and I will take my time and money to server that is more friendly and understanding.


Lord of Altera
I never wanted to turn you away! This server is extremely friendly! It's just that's what the mods and admins look for in an application. We are simply a very close knit community, and I'm afraid if those little bits of constructive criticism turn you away, then you have no patience at all, and I would not enjoy roleplaying with you if you couldn't handle the fact that I asked why you used red font instead of bolding the questions.


Lord of Altera
Darko does not represent the moderator team, however, any mod would ask you do the same, adding 2 sentences and removing the red font would make your application far easier to read and your willingness to do these things without fussing would get you approved far quicker.

We count the setences because it's what's required, if people can't manage 8 sentences and refuse to change it, then we will refuse to let them on the server, that's just how things work.


Lord of Altera
1- Counting my number of sentences is exceptionally petty.
No it isn't. I will count it for you.
1. I am a software developer who enjoys having cars restored, riding motorcycles, and playing games.
2. I have only played minecraft for about a month, but think it will be great fun once I find a server worth sticking with.
3. I have a small parrot that has more personality than most people, and a little girl rat.
4. At work I do 2D/3D design, web design, technical writing, and other content creation tasks.
5. I will be having surgery in India in about two weeks, and the surgery/recovery will require me to be down there for four months.
6. During this time I will likely be playing a lot of Minecraft lol.
Those are 6 sentences. Not 8.


King ForumStalker
The reason we ask these things is so we can get to know you, that's the whole point of this exercise. If you give us under the minimum of what we ask then how can we judge your application?

The reasons we ask for at least 8 sentences is this:
1) It shows how well you can read and follow instructions.
2) If you dont, it shows how well you take to criticism from people who are trying to help with your application.

There was nothing malicious in Darko's post, he was merely trying to help you with your application and was inquisitve as to why you coloured your answers red.

We've had people half your age manage to fill out their application fully without fuss and took well to the criticism they recieved. If this is the attitude you bring then this server is not for you.
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