Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

OftenRotten - Application [Declined - Alaila]


My Minecraft Username is Oftenrotten.
I am of 13 years of age.
I am male​
I live in New Brunswick, Canada

I have read the Tome of citizenship and agree To all the terms and conditions. I will respect other players and treat them nicely, I do not wear offensive skins like Hitler for example. But I look down on people that do.

I love to play Roleplay and think that it is very fun, I will probably enjoy my experience on Hollowworld.

I'm oftenrotten, I enjoy playing video games like minecraft as you can do whatever you want. I have many hobbies like going outside, chatting to friends and trying to build cool things. I am a mostly happy person and get along well with others. I love to talk and build things with other people.I dont like using hacks because I think they are really dumb and are only for Noobs. I like building towns with my friends and going mining. Mining is pretty much my favourite thing to do in minecraft besides building. As I love the stress of almost falling into a random lava pit. I have fun when I play minecraft building pixel art and whatnot.I want to design games when i am older as I think that it would be a great job. As I have a cousin that works as a game designer and makes a lot of money. Anyways hope that's enough to describe me. :)

I like a lot of food besides mushrooms and shellfish.

I am aware that using mods xray xray texture packs is a bannable offence. I used a xray texture pack once, but that was on single player and I needed mossy cobblestone to build but I found using it was way too cheap and I just deleted it. Never used one since.

I was told that this was a good server by a few of my friends Leafpaw98, SecondGod

Well to say I would rather like to play the server first before I vote. But if I like the server I will vote.



Sparkly purple member of the team
Since it has been more than 10 days and this application has not been improved, I'm going to decline it.