Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

haimond96 - Application [Declined - Reap]


Username: haimond96
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country: Norway

5. I have read and understand the terms and conditions of The Tome of Citizenship and I do agree
to the rules for joining.
6. I think roleplay sounds fun, though I have not played on such a server.
7. My name is Amund and I am a 16 year old boy. I am born norwegian, but I speak english. After running my own server for a while, I descided to apply for this server, while I've heard and seen good things about it, and I think it fits me because I like the Medieval theme. Talking about my other interests in life I like to create, play and listen to music, and there are several differt genres I enjoy. I do also play alot of other games like f.eks. skyrim, which is the main reason for my interest in Medieval themes. My cousin is playing on this server as well, and I thought we could play together here. I am a friendly person and I like to work together with people. I swear I do not cheat, and that I will follow the rules on the server. By running a server my self, I know the impact done to the server by cheaters, and I hate it.
10. I am completely aware of that the use of cheats is illegal, and I swear that will not use it.
11. I found out about your server through my cousin.


True Bandit
Please add the rest of the questions to your application and space them out so its easier to read please :)

3 days to edit before declined.


Lord of Altera
Also, please expand question 6. We want to know why you think roleplaying is fun. What do you like about it?