Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Please let me play [Declined - Sally]

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1.Logox214.2.20.3.male4.United States.5.I've read the Tome of Citizenship.6.I feel that roleplaying in a server is great.Yes i have had experience in roleplaying games.7.My name is Logan Westhafer.My hobbies are reading,playing Mincraft,and riding my bike.I'm here because i like playing roleplaying games.I'm also playing this beacause it sounds fun to play.I also like to watch tv and play Halo.10.yes


Lord of Altera
Okay, put the questions back in, put some space between the questions as well, because right now this is a bit clumped and difficult to read.
And yes, Moose is right, question 7 needs 8 sentences about yourself (or more)


Lord of Altera
sally, on some terms..we would deny this flat out and tell them to make a new one...and by the looks of it, this guy aint 20...unless he hasnt gone to school long enough to know how to work a keyboard...but thats just me, this is your thread to decide, but in my opinion, this is a red flag.


Lord of Altera
Ah good point, I figured it was worth a shot to try and walk em through it anyway xD. Less time online has made me a lil soft I think :I.
I'll decline this now.
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