Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera
Entry #22
"A girl came by, Vallee De Mai today. She was cold and wet, but I paid no attention to her but to jerk my head in her direction to, Carolus to take care of her. I didn't know I'd get so mad, when she said his name. It was a cold day, and I wanted to go ice fishing. I sat there for hours, before laying down and letting my fishing rod sit over my lap, and my lure in the hole, lazily sitting still in the cold freezing water. First, Azoth showed up, before Hamish. Hamish was having troubles staying up on the ice so he crawled to me and I let him sit on my stomach while I laid there. He looked adorable as always and I just let him accompany me. After, Alassea showed up and we started to chat. It wasn't long before Logan then Carolus showed up. It was like they were all attracted to the group -- or me. But it didn't matter. All I was doing was lazily sitting around doing nothing. I welcomed their company. Then /she/ came, the girl I do not know of. She came down onto the ice and slipped, shouting /his/ name. "Jishrim" . I got so mad, BECAUSE NO ONE SHOULD SPEAK HIS NAME. I got up, angered by her words. I told her not to speak it, I asked even in kind words! She was all along, a worshiper of the mad-god! I wanted to hurt her so bad, I DO NOT, LIKE HIS NAME SPOKEN. I even told her I'd rip her apart of she'd speak it again. I wanted to hurt her just like how he hurt others, how he hurt me. I wanted to break her, to make her suffer the way all who was cursed suffered like! I wanted to cut her tongue and throw it away for her speaking the foul words!"
"But... I dont worship him anymore..."