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Upcoming [8/27/20 | 5PM EST] [Public] An Ungodly Country


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

Long and tempestuous has the relationship between the divine and arcane within the borders of the Kaltstaat.

Once, dominated by Anhald, the rule of God was higher than the rule of law or the Kanes; a time when those who ruled sought the permission of God to rule.

As early as a generation before, hatred of the divine led to the absolvement of all religious institutions within their borders; and even now, the rulers coronate themselves on the basis of their own power, not for any divine mandate.

And the cyclical nature of time brings us to a time where those who are blessed by the divine are finding trust readily and plentifully granted within the Kaltstaat.

The rulers of the Kaltstaat call for any priest who will brave the cold to present the virtues and vices of their gods before them.

It is the hope of the Kaiser and Kaiserin to find a suitable divine to which they may place as the state religion.
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