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A Bounty For Grimar


Settling in Altera
Throughout many cities, villages and hamlets, nailed to many trees and boards are the same bounty poster.
"Wanted Alive"
"For murder and torturing of innocents."
"Grim Ironheart"
"$100,000 Reward."


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Grimar is dead. Heart attack. Just thought you should know.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
As far as we know, yes. Perhaps not. I'm sad though.



The Mogul of Cromarcky
This thread has brought up a needed discussion.

Who actually has the right to set bounties? Thanks to knowing all sides of this situation, the reasons stated for Grimar's bounty are false. However, that matters much less than who has the authority to place these signs. If anyone can, does this mean the crown supports privatized assassination contracts? If not everyone can, then who? Leaders of houses? The Crown? Who in the crown? This is actually something I'm really intrigued with at the moment.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... I imagine anyone who has the ability to hang the signs up has the authority, but the Crown most certainly will not be... happy about it, no doubt.


Lord of Altera
It should be anyone, but if the crown or someone else feels its not right they can just take them down. Sure it would take time, but it could happen.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I think you miss the point.

If we criminalize assassination and kidnapping (which I believe is the case), the only legal bounties could be those of government organizations strictly for keeping the peace. House leaders, the silvercloaks, the queen herself.

If someone other than a law enforcing organization puts out a bounty, they are essentially attempting to hire an assassin or kidnapper.

Unlike the poster in the original post, the bounty would have to have who to contact in order to claim the reward. This means the crown or some other law enforcing entity could track said person down and fine/jail/ect the person on conspiracy to murder/kidnap/whatever.

See what I mean?


Lord of Altera
I feel like Frida Ironheart.. Is in danger now..

If Grimar does not get revived I offer the Greylings to look after her... at least we can do...

Edit: I agree with Pyro... Law enforcement or the Crown should be the only ones to hang posters. If it is a private contract they would have to find a.. hush hush way to let everyone know. - my opinion


Settling in Altera
Criminals have hands, they use said hands to write bounties [even false ones such as this], they then use said hands to nail it against trees and boards. They should need authority but Sagacious doesn't care to listen to who can and can't hang bounties. If the authorities wish to track down Sagacious, they should do it. He has already killed a child by public execution and lighting his corpse on fire, he walks the streets without fear because authority simply lacks.. authority. They have no one to maintain authority but a handful of royal guards.


Non sum qualis eram
No, pyrocide raises a very valid point. That poster makes no mention whatsoever of who to contact.

Once it does, well, then the authorities have someone to track.


Settling in Altera
I purposely didn't give a name whom to hand over, that is the point of this poster. If you check some of my other posters, I leave a location to drop off the person, this I didn't. I don't want him, I merely want people to rip him apart like hungry dogs for a large sum of radiants that I lied about. Simple as that.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Yeah. Tzemik, the reclusive Physician, pulled out some long-festering badassery and - unfortunately, James chose not to revive Grimar after The Physician was all done.

Also, ''laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeee'' was repeated several times, which made me laugh a lot.
