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A Giant in Port Silver [Forum RP]


Lord of Altera
2013-04-29_17-36-42_998 - Copy.jpg
Climbing on to the port the boat shifts it's weight drastically floating several inches higher than before. The wooden planks shriek and crack as they bend under Willow's weight. A small Greyling crawls over his right shoulder and sniffs the air with his tiny snout, The Giant Caparii gazes up at the walls around Port Silver in amazement. The Greyling opens his tooth infested mouth and speaks in a way only savages could, "Idz big eh blood?". The Caparii mutters a deep chuckle and responds "You civilized don't spare a thing do you?". The Greyling slaps the Caparii on the shoulder "kom an! Wi gutz to ged to an Inn or sumin, kant bi spending nytz in da' streetz".

The Odd pair wander up to the city's gates eagerly looking around as they do.


Settling in Altera
Lysle leans against the wall beside the gates to the city, picking at his finger nails he looks up and notices the pair. With a kick he pushes himself off the wall and hikes his thumbs between belt and waist.

"Now this is something I've never seen. I've seen all manner of creatures but none so ugly until now. What are your names?"

His right hand trails away from his belt to the wrapped leather around his thigh that sheathe all sorts of small blades.


Takka jumps from the back of Odle "whu ye cullin ugly?!" Takka points to himself with a confidant look on his face "Me Alpha! and dis pile of hair is pack mule!" Takka stands up straight and puts his hands on his hips "Ye better speak to Alpha wid moar respekt!" Takka stares at Lysle with a raised brow awaiting a reaction.


Settling in Altera
"Mother of the Gods, you're the most terrifyingly ugliest creature I've ever seen. Perhaps, 'Alpha', you should groom yourself, or do something about your appearance. Oh, and about respect, it is earned and not given. Now to your 'pack mule'" He states as he turns to look at the Caparii directly. "What is your name?"


Lord of Altera
Willow's head tilts back, a bit surprised by the direct words. Willow does his best to respond but stumbles a bit in his incredibly deep voice "u-uh me? I'm ah, Willow O-Odle" He widens his shoulders as he finds his words, extending his chest proudly.


Magus of Nothing
*hisses profusely at the other greyling*

You speakses even worse than meses. I command you bows down to yous true leaders, me. Fadast. Others we kills you by pourings boiling oils into -all- your holes...


Settling in Altera
"This isn't a competition of strength and masculinity. Relax, you're in a friendly city. Even so, the tallest and strongest aren't always the ones to win. I am Lysle Rigger. If you're new here, probably best head to the Merry Mead, although I don't think I can accompany you there, seeing as I was involved in several incidents there."

Lysle shrugs his shoulders, turns and walks into the city heading in the direction of the Royal Library.


Lord of Altera
Willow leans down scooping Alpha up with one hand and placing him back on his shoulder as he steps forward speaking up "W-wait, uh, Mr. Rigger! Look, we're new here, and I'm a Red. Could you at least give us some directions?"


Lord of Altera
"Directions to where?" Rengar strides out from the great wall's shadow. "I dont want you two causing any trouble aight?" Looks at the two from boot to hair.


Lord of Altera
Looking around incredibly confused Willow Huffs out his nostrils and looks to the new stranger, He huffs again before speaking again with frustration "I only want directions to this 'Merry Mead' ". Willow stamps his hoof on the path like a twitch and shakes his head like a shiver.


Lord of Altera
Gives the huge Caparii a cautious glance before he nods quickly. "Its right over there..." Rengar motions just across the street towards a wooden building.


Lord of Altera
Huffs again however less fierce than the others, and bows his head to the man. Willow raises himself back up and looks to Alpha on his shoulders, "there we found it, lets go". The Odd pair stride off with the clops of willow's hoofs, in the direction of the Merry Mead.


Upon entering the Merry Mead, the two may notice a young Inquisitor, appearing around sixteen or seventeen years of age, seated at one of the tables, idly sipping on a bottle of water placed to the right of him.

Edit: (I don't know if this is still going on, but I figured I may as well post)


Lord of Altera
( they usually do, however I figured being a Red makes them more savage or less human. So I made him have much more prominent goat features like his head. Also I'll get back to this thread after the weekend, I got mothers day dragging me off)