Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Aloan Dileon Found Hideously Dismembered


Lord of Altera
Aloan Dileon has been found mutilated and bleeding... who could of done such a thing, what warped and freak being had the manner to inflict such agony.
Carved onto Aloans chest is a picture of a Jester
Underneath it it reads
"Harlequins" then then a kiss in the blood"


We demons of our solemn hour
Heeey. .. before you think it. ..wasn't me!

I would never draw a jester on someones chest. . That's silly!

Alsooooo if I get in trouble because if this. ..

The real murderer or psychopath will end up with a picture of a rainbowpony clawed on his face and a picture of faelin on his chest