Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(Outdated)Altani Goraya


Lord of Altera
• Altani Goraya •
The Shaman(In-Training)

Yes I'm using the provided reference for an adopted character rather than find my own.
Yes I still don't have reference for my main character.
Yes I know I was suppose to be drawing these myself.

eneral Information

Altani Goraya
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Orientation: Undeveloped.
Social Status: Shamanka-in-training
Residence: Nomadic
Religious Inclination: Shalherana

Height: 3'10
Weight: 45 pounds
Age: Like. Ten or something.
Distinguishing Features: A lengthy, beaded hair braid.

We're using that term very lightly. The buddings of possible skill.

Tending wounds. Familiarity with the Esoteric. Ritual Knowledge. Divining Signs.

The role she is set for; She will prove herself proficent - if she can actually manage to keep focused for that long

Setting small game-traps. Following animal tracks. Finding sources of water.

Nascent the skills might be now, with training one day she may make a passable huntress.

Riding horses. Taking care of livestock. Knowing good grazing fields from the bad.

Her clan is a nomadic one, with pastoral traditions. These are the skills necessary for basic survival.

Appropriately undeveloped. Change is yet to bloom in the young.

"Honor. Courage. Compassion... what was the first one again?"

She follows her clan's philosophy; Or as well as a child can.
Honour might take an occasional backseat when her curiosity or mischievous heart gets the better of her.

"The world speaks soft"
A shaman-in-training; With an interest in auspice that entails.
Altani has a respect and curiosity of the more esoteric arts and traditions of Altera.
Even if she sometimes sees signs which aren't really there; Spotting magic in the mundane.

"You're supposed to live with the land, not on it."
She holds both a fascination, and a minor superiority over the 'settled' people.
Believing their way-of-life too detached from the world to properly appreciate it.

"Can I really do all this?"
She will have to take the mantle of responsibility one day; She understands what a shaman's job is.
Keep them safe. Keep them healed. Keep them guided.
Can she really measure up to that?

Significant Items
Despite being seven, I couldn't go one day without having to add this. Intern, that demon.

=+[Dowsing Rod]+=
A mundane y-shaped stick.

Nearly as tall as her, it's quite cumbersome to use for dowsing; But doubles as an excellent staff.
She's attached a number of regalia to the crook of the stick to 'empower' it.
: Eagle Feather :
A trick from Maebh. The feathers still windswept from it's own magicked gale.

: Rabbit Foot :
For some, a macabre trinket. Not so for the Moor Elf that gave it.

: Sliver of Iron :
The metal is scratched and well-worn. A dulling edge hints it's history as a blade.

: Ashen Stone :
A stone marked with the ashes of a devil that danced instead of slaved.

: Deformed Coin :
A misshapen coin with the sigil scratched to nothing

: Sea Glass :
A mix of sharp and rounded edges,

=+[Healing Kit]+=
Suturing Supplies, Bandages, Soap, Salve for infection, Shalherana token(Given to Fi, sort of)

Gifted to her by Valtae Menguar, whom she approached for healing instruction.

otable Relationships
A high honour. She's a very important person. Promise.

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