Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Altera 20,000 (Non-Canon Altera RP)


Lord of Altera
*Tel'Jishrim's scientists have reduced the shard down to a syrum and it is injected into a Earthspawn, the earthspawn grows horns and turns back as the pure corruption courses through its veins, Tel'Kilrox has made pure Darkblood syrum*


Lord of Altera
No one saw me..
*holds up a piece of pie*
Want some?
One of your prototype blasters was coated in one.


Lord of Altera
*the Darkblood jumps out the building and jumps on Oguks truck, Tel'Kilroxs raises outside in a exosuit, which is a essentially a metal skeleton with hydrolics, carrying a Natrizi'ma Corp blaster*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*Grabbing a EK-92 assault rifle he begins shooting through the roof, when he sees a Silvermask (future silvercloaks) lawbringer patrol car chasing the 2 trucks with sirens blaring*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*Shoving a EK-92 into Gavin's grasp before leaning out the window and lighting up the Silvermask car, it tips over and crashes into a grocery shop before exploding*


Lord of Altera
*takes fire at the second patrol car, killing the driver, he then shoots a grenade at the car, wich explodes, and crashes on the side of the road*
Alright, that's taken care of..

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*One of the Earthspawn in the second truck fires a handgun at the man smashing a window, when suddenly a Silvermask armoured jeep shoots the tires, causing the truck to stop. Oguk and Gavin's truck speeds up as the one behind them is left behind and ends up having a huge firefight with law enforcements*


Lord of Altera
*uses his exosuit to tear out the engines of both cars and runs after the trucks, leaving the damaged darkblood*


Lord of Altera
*sighs, obviously bored, it almost looking as it's an everyday situation, he opens fire at the exosuit following them, and shoves a grenade in the underslung barrel, wich is then fired at the man in the exosuit*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*Oguk and Gavin begin too get away at high speed, the other truck explodes under turret fire. The Earthspawn from the exploded truck are killed in a firefight with Silvermasks*