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Alteran Board Games


Lord of Altera
I have compiled a list of Alteran board game ideas that characters can play in-game. Enjoy.

Ring Works
A Dwarves War-Sim
The goal of this game is to claim your enemies mine. On any given turn you can move 3 units 4 squares. If you see another unit you can choose to attack it if it is within range. To decide if you are successful or not the player who you are attacking must write either Wolf, Duck, or Owl on a piece of paper, he doesn't show you. You must say one of the three then he must turn around the paper and reveal whether you chose the right one or not. If you did you kill all the units on that square. You have 9 units in all and you must get 6 of them to the enemies mines. The mines also have 6 squares (to put your units) and the enemy may defend them. You usually play this game on a wooden board with drawing on it and you use lead figurines as men, however a gambling version of this is common where you use marked coins and when you kill the enemy you keep the coins. This game was invented by a few bored Dwarven miners.
An elven game of trickery
The goal of this game is to out-speed your opponent. Each player is given a series of cards with a number between 1-10. The number is in the top right corner and a picture of an element (earth, wind, fire, or air) is portrayed on the front side facing you. On the back of the card is the Elven word for lie. The person holding the card must repeat Idheren as many time as the card says before grabbing on of many colored gems on the table. The person grabbing the gem must select the color that correlates with their element. The person on the other side must wait until they are sure that the person will get it then they must turn there wooden cup upside down. If they do this before the person reading the numbers is done saying Idheran a given amount of times they get the cup taken away and must redeem it much like you would have to get a gem. If you do not get your cup you can not turn it around and can not stop somebody from getting a gem. The first person to get five of the same element wins one round. The gems are enchanted so lets say you get five water, the cup will fill with water and the gems will reappear on the table. In tournaments there a sort of round robin and the first person to have a cup filled with dirt (earth), water (water), fog (air), and a contained fire (fire) wins the whole tournament. This is an ancient game developed by Elves long ago on there home planet. This, like many other games on this list, has been changed slightly by Dwarves to make it a gambling game. The Dwarves used marked coins and keep them when they get a cup of five of the same marked coin. Instead of Idheran the Dwarves say Elgi, their word for Elves. The Elves hate this and, it is said, that they even may have fought a war over it. More to be added, I just need to go do HomeWork and write the Earthspawns' Guide to World Domination


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
It's nice, but due to visuals being hard to make with emotes, we should probably have more verbal games in Altera than board games. For board games, we can probably just stick with the old Chess and Checkers, and use some form of online, browser-based version of the game to play.


The only Hollowworld game I remember was something called "Snake".
Bet any money.
Get 6 first, you win all the bets set.