Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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An Opportunity

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The Kingdom Crusher
.. ex slave and syrien hater jeroxia the jester whitemore
Xould have done it.. maybe with a other slave to accompany him
I don't think the slave RP actually happened... May be wrong, but that's what I've been told (sorry if I'm wrong)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Oguk is a depressed, violent and recently gone insane level four Darkblood Earthspawn King, who hates Syrie. He especially hates caspian and would love to hurt him. Not only that he has turned to cannibalise and would of done it for:
1. Hate Syrie
2. Hate abbey and caspian
3. Was hungry

Not only that he is stupid enough to leave the blade behind...
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