Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

application [Declined - Mikipowah ]

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1. Your Minecraft username: ZoDiiAk360
2. Age:16
3. Gender:male
4. Country:UK
5. i have read the survival guide and i will use and the tome of citizenship for any questions i have
6. i am open to try out role playing although i have never really done it before i think it will be good fun to try it out with other people who are doing the same thing
7. i am a student at the moment, i am studying science and PE i play guitar and have done for around 3 years, i love gaming and have had several consoles including PS1,2,3 XBOX and XBOX360, i am creative when it comes to building and redstone and so i think i will be a credit to the server files sorry =(
9. i beleive i have shared everything i want to
10. i am aware and agree with this
11. i founf out about the server the the minecraft server list
12. i have voted, yes =)


Lord of Altera
Could you please add the questions themselves? Also, double check your application on spelling mistakes, punctuation and use some uppercase letters on the right place. After that, I want to ask you if you could add a little more to question 7, since we ask for around 8 sentences.
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