Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application [Declined - Mikipowah]

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Devin Quinn

Hello first of all my minecraft username is zorasdomain,though it is not very knightly i hope you can look past that. I am 14 years old and i really like the whole knight/roleplay thing. Third I am male and live in U.S.A.. I do agree to read the survival guide before I log on, I also agree to read the tome and everything you need to know. I actually like the knight roleplay because thats the main reason I'm picking this server. I am very exited about this server because medieval and historic themes really intrigue me. I like to play games that are based in older times like Assassins creed and Elder Scrolls IV:Skyrim. I aslo like playing basketball american football and I used to play soccer though i quit from a broken foot. I also really like talking and hanging out with my friends and we just have alot of fun times together. I am also hoping to get a job next year so I can fell like im a true citezen of my country and also earn some money for myself. Im no reallysure what else to say about myself other than I am a straight A student. Wow jut realized what little there is to describe me lol. I found out about this server on mcserverlist and I liked the fact of role play. I realize cheating is not allowed on this server ( I dont like to cheat anyways because it feels wrong). I do promise to vote for you guys and I really hope you accept this request, thankyou and goodbye :).


Official Alteran
Ok, here we go again. As you all know, I'm going to give you recommendations for things to talk about in Question 7 to help you come up with 8 sentences or more. Please consider using some of these questions as material about yourself.

Would you ever have a pet snow leopard?
Do you break out into song in public places often?
What's your 2nd favorite food?
What's your favorite color that begins with "P" and ends with "Ple"?
Do you make random movie or pop culture references throughout conversation?
How good are you at Draw Something?

You know, only the questions that really matter.
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