Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application For Whitelist [Declined - Tantara]

1. Your Minecraft username:Shade959
2. Age:17
3. Gender:Man
4. Country:Norway
5. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? Yes

6. I have been playing DnD before, and i find it quite fun. Also i have played on Beta-servers which have innstalled a 'lame' kind of rpg style. I think your server will be more exciting, more fun.
My name is Shade, im a computer/ps3 gamer from Norway who enjoy rpg-style games more than Fps's. I like playing and listening to music and have a quite large collection of Metal music. I have been playing some sandbox style games before minecraft but when the survival was released it was amazing. Yes, i have been playing since Infdev and i am quite a 'Nerd'. I've also been playing quite alot of singleplayer technicpack so i know my way with it. Minecraft is an amazing game and I hope you will let me in on your server. I want to play on your Tekkit server, so you know :) I usually play alone, but i got some friends who I'm gonna show this server to.​
8.I have a very large incarnation of 'Zeus' back in Beta, but i lost in when the game was launched. :(

9. I am awere of cheaters in Minecraft, and it makes me furious! Why do anyone want to destroy such an amazing game! Xray is gay, and the people using are weak. I have tried it, Once, on my friends server, It was horrible. It makes my game crash after 2 min, and as i said it is gay, so i deleted it after 5 min.

10. I found your server looking for one on the MCSL(minecraftserverlist)

11. Ofcourse i have voted for you! :)


Resigned Admin
Please add more to number 7; we do ask for 8 sentences :)

Also, are you applying to the technic server or the fantasy/roleplay one?


Resigned Admin
Declined due to lack of interest

please make another application if you're still interested.