Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application from THE_EVIL_BLOB - Declined (age) Cast

1.My username is THE_EVIL_BLOB.

2.My real name is Sebastian Clarke.

3.I am 12

4.I'm male

5.I come from the U.K.

6.I have read the Tome Of Citizenship and i agree.

7.I feel extremely interested in the idea of a role-play minecraft server, i have had a few experiences in roleplay servers before and i find them very interesting.

8.Hello everyone who is reading this my name is Sebastian Clarke and I am a massive fan of minecraft server especially this one as it has had plenty of amazing reviews the reason I have chosen this one is because I love the medieval times and reading about them how they lived, how they worked but best of all i would love to experience being one for a while or so.My hobbies are reading books and exploring the 7 acres of land that we have but last and not least i like to spend SOME time on the pc playing minecraft or on the xbox 360 playing grand theft auto or gears of war 3 i have the interest in this server because it has had plenty of people and its name captures your mind and the pictures of it are stunning.

10. i wish to share that the the pictures of the village i have attached i made all of it by myself on survival and there is a little wooden house on a mountain nearby full of monsters witch has a chest full of diamonds gold and lapis.

11.I am completely aware that the use of ore locators and things like that are punishable by a permanent ban.

12.I found out about this server by looking at minecraft server lists most popular and spotting some of the stunning pictures you have posted on there

13. Yes i have voted for you because i think you should be number 1

Thank you for reading.



Lord Zanros Hawklight
In accordance with the standards set by the ESRB, the Hollow World server strictly follows the minimum requirements of the E10 ESRB rating. Due to the unpredictability of online play, and standards set by other online multiplayer games, all whitelist applicants must meet the minimum requirement of the T ESRB rating. Titles rated T(Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. All whitelist applicants must be 13 years or older