Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[August 10] The Clearing


Chairman of the Procrastination Committee
It seems like the first part, not everything was finished or wrapped up with. I've been asked to have another event set up, so Part II will be tomorrow an hour later. 2pm PST, 5pm EST and 11pm GMT+1. It'll hopefully not be too long. But the Upper Island and Southern Island still need to be reinforced and explored.

Summary of today:
Many were found infected and were injured in the process of today's expedition through the isles.. Corpses were gathered, a few harmed in order to be less of a threat.. others were reasoned and gathered to be healed eventually. Some were angry and some cried out in pain.

The docks were secured, as the entity's minions seem tired or distracted by the first party. Bloated corpses in the waters and the first ship that crashed into the isle's bridge was dragged to the southern shoreline by a few helping hands. Two wrecks still remain to be moved, in quiet, later, as are the rest of the isles's dangers.

Part II: August 10, 2pm PST, 5pm EST and 11pm GMT+1
What tier is each one?