Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Backstory of Sam


Lord of Altera
He's in his early fifties, he has oddly impeccable hygiene, nobody really knows how intelligent he is, as he never talks, and he wears a brown tunic and grey trousers.
Short Term Goals: Serve drinks.
Long Term Goals: Retire.


King ForumStalker
I remember when I filled one of those massive kegs with zombies, then let them loose into the bar.

Ah, good times...


King ForumStalker
I can imagine Sam being the sort of guy who smuggles illegal bits and bobs through his cellar.

"Hey uh... I need some gunpowder..."
*Sam grumbles something and retreats to the cellar, returning with a small grey bag and handing it to the man*
*The man drops a few coins into Sam's hand*



I was born 87 years ago. For 55 years, I have ruled as Tamriels emperor. But for all these years, I have never been the ruler of my own dreams.....
