Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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bowduim400 Whitelist [Declined - Sally] (Age)

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Legend of Altera
1. My IGN is: bowduim400

2. im 12 years old, but i love medieval and roleplay (i know im 2 young)

3. Im a male.

4. I live in the Netherlands in Europe.

5. Yes ive read the tome, P.S. good organising :confused:

6. My thonk about roleplay is hat player life and play together in 1 peacefull/or war community. living together happiely. Alas i dont have any xp in roleplaying but i would love to try

7. Now im Bow, i love history and nce people also, i do a Havo/Vwo school (thats highest exept 1 in Holland) but i still play alot of minecraft lveto join this server to make my own kittle harbour whre leare safe from mobs and attakers. and i would love to help The world (oops forgot name) and the kings flourish. to make a long story short im nice and love to help :D

8. I wanted to make a town . on anoher server i did but it got razed to the ground and i got banned for being defeated.

9. ive been banned alot on other serers (i know this wil maybe make me not let me get on ur server) but all by accident i was kinda clumsy so i accidentl griefed somthing once. and i know grifers hurt people so i dont i only wanna help people i swar i wont grief or make people sad.

10. yes im aware and i dont use it i think only loseres use it who dont trust here felings to mine and find the good things. and i will fight for the ight not for darkness.

11. I was looking a long time for a good medieval roleplaying servers but none of em where good. bu i have intentions this will be the one is was looking for. if i get accepted ofcourse

12. no do no have voted yet but i surely will if i think the server is good. (i now will mention im NOT from any resencion hing but just a fun minecraft player.

I hope u think my ap is good and i hope i will get accepted. and when i wont i know why my serveral banns on other servers. and ofcours hat im 12 and not old enough for the server but i just want fun. i trust that this is a good one with good admins/mods but back to the point i hope u can see that big and 1 little thing thtough ur fingers and let me in. think good

Kind Regards. Bow Duinmeijer


Lord of Altera
You may need to work on your grammar a bit, I know if your from Holland that English may not be your first language but I think it would need a little more work.


Legend of Altera
i know about my grammar but i had to type it fast. becouse i had to go to bed. and i didn't use Google translat.

but what i forgot to mention is that i wear a skin of a normal guy. but i could change it if its needed. Further about my bans, yes i got banned but i was stll 9 and clumsy and kinda dumb. ow i learned from my faults and i lled mimecrafter.
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