Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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I can be online around 430pm EST. Also what skin should I be using especially if I'll be given an iron armor and weapon? Thanks.


Hollows Explorer
About the mining great! I appreciate it! As far as your skin it is up to you how you want to look, my personal opinion is to where normal clothes so that when you do wear armor it doesn't look odd and fits mOre with the rp, (I mean who would wear armor all the time right) but again that's MY own opinion and you can do as you wish :)


Lord of Altera
And also, anyone who becomes a Guardian shall have their armour and weapons forged from the hottest fires and maintained to a sharpness that no other can compare by yours truly.


About the mining great! I appreciate it! As far as your skin it is up to you how you want to look, my personal opinion is to where normal clothes so that when you do wear armor it doesn't look odd and fits mOre with the rp, (I mean who would wear armor all the time right) but again that's MY own opinion and you can do as you wish :)
Sounds good I'll make sure to come into game ready and clothed correctly! Don't want to throw off the RP aspect at all! :D


Application:In-Game Name: james3000117
RP Name: Jarret Kolby
Roll you wish to fill and why: I'd like a position as the citys Innkeeper, as, I think it would be a fun challenge to manage the inn and provide rooms for all newcomers, etc. On any server I go on I tend to let newcomers to the server spend a few nights in my house, while they can go and get the resources needed to build their own. So that's why i'd like to manage the inn.
A couple sentences about yourself: Well... My name is James, I recently joined this community and have been having a look around and like what I see. I would like to get into the roleplay aspect of the server now (as that's what it's about, anyway :p) and to start i'd like to join a town. And that's why i'm here - to become a good citizen of Timbervale.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add to the community in Timbervale in ways as simple as saying 'Hello!' to the passer by on the street, to renting out rooms at below market rates to the newcomers of the town.

I hope you will consider my application.

thanks :)

PS: Will I still get a house?


Hollows Explorer
Your application Is good but we already have two of those. Of you'd be willing to choose a different job I think we'd be willing to accommodate.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Name: Anniekatt

RP Name: Katt

Role you wish to fill and why: I would like to be a farmer! I have previous experience in looking after animals and crops , I find it very entertaining :D

A couple sentences about yourself: I like to be called Katt. I'm a very active mature player and I'm looking to join a town.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add to the community by being a reliable and dependable worker!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Application:In-Game Name: james3000117
RP Name: Jarret Kolby
Roll you wish to fill and why: I'd like a position as the citys Innkeeper, as, I think it would be a fun challenge to manage the inn and provide rooms for all newcomers, etc. On any server I go on I tend to let newcomers to the server spend a few nights in my house, while they can go and get the resources needed to build their own. So that's why i'd like to manage the inn.
A couple sentences about yourself: Well... My name is James, I recently joined this community and have been having a look around and like what I see. I would like to get into the roleplay aspect of the server now (as that's what it's about, anyway :p) and to start i'd like to join a town. And that's why i'm here - to become a good citizen of Timbervale.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add to the community in Timbervale in ways as simple as saying 'Hello!' to the passer by on the street, to renting out rooms at below market rates to the newcomers of the town.

I hope you will consider my application.

thanks :)

PS: Will I still get a house?
Your approved. Get with one of the council members in game to get you set up, and yes you do get a house as I don't think we have a room set up in the inn for the inn keeper. The house will also allow you to have a private space as well.


Loyal Servant of Altera
In-Game Name: Anniekatt

RP Name: Katt

Role you wish to fill and why: I would like to be a farmer! I have previous experience in looking after animals and crops , I find it very entertaining :D

A couple sentences about yourself: I like to be called Katt. I'm a very active mature player and I'm looking to join a town.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add to the community by being a reliable and dependable worker!

Could you please add a little more about yourself?


In-Game Name: evansmoot

RP Name: Professor Evan Maxwell

Roll you wish to fill and why: Alchemist, well my RP character is a Scholar and Inventor, so it makes sense that I know how to make potions (which I am good with, I know a lot of the recipes since I frequent PvP servers). If that position is already taken I'll be an Enchanter / Librarian.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm good at PvP and building, but I made this character to try to take a break from PvP and just kind of relax in a town of people. I can give orders to people when needed or take them, and I can take criticism fine, so if you have a problem with something just give it to me straight.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add by building intricate structures and adding a new viewpoint to the town. I can provide more man power and I'll do whatever you guys need to retrieve something or complete a job.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The Alchemist job is taken actually by 2 people already. I think we may already have an enchanter/ librarian though I'm sure we could use another one. I'll ask the other council members and see what they have to say.


The Alchemist job is taken actually by 2 people already. I think we may already have an enchanter/ librarian though I'm sure we could use another one. I'll ask the other council members and see what they have to say.
Well, whatever job, I'll do, I was just trying to stick to my RP guy as close as possible but I can do pretty much anything else.


Quick question. When are council members usually online? Just need to get on when one is on so I can get into the Guard. Thanks yall!


Loyal Servant of Altera
It varys though the person you wanna talk to is Sevenseasbee. He's the Captian of the Guard and works with that stuff. Otherwise fill out an app on here if you havn't already and make sure to put guard under jobs in bold.

@Evansmoot ah well thats good to hear that your willing to be flexible. And it's good that you were trying to go along with your charater as well. If your up to it I might see if I can recruit you into the Merchants guild (not just for selling things). :)
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