Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[City] Zuk'Thar


Lord of Altera

  1. Account Name: Cannonalch
  2. IC Name: Cannon
  3. Character Age: 20
  4. Race: Earthspawn
  5. Desired Field of Work: Military

King Oguk

Earthspawn King

  1. Account Name: Cannonalch
  2. IC Name: Cannon
  3. Character Age: 20
  4. Race: Earthspawn
  5. Desired Field of Work: Military
Accepted, Someone asked me if I knew cannon and I went "whaa? Cannon blow stuff up!"!
Be on the time you posted this tomorrow and I will get you settled in :)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Hey Lightyy, soon I will start re-organizing the town. (moving the farm/storage underground) And I'll try to really finish some buildings like the townhall (adding lava+maybe more details)....Next to that, I will start building houses/shops in the ravine, depends on the amount of time/space I got...
Whats happened to the storage? You removed it all but did not build a new one, so all the new Earthspawn are stuck in the inn and the food have ran out! Ya driving us to starvation! Can you re-build all the storage as I liked it how it was before... I dont want the storage anywhere else... I want it where it used to be because I'm so used to it!
-Thanks a little explanation/clearing up where the storage vanished two
PS. If you didn't do it then just tell me and I find the crime doer!


Lord of Altera
Whats happened to the storage? You removed it all but did not build a new one, so all the new Earthspawn are stuck in the inn and the food have ran out! Ya driving us to starvation! Can you re-build all the storage as I liked it how it was before... I dont want the storage anywhere else... I want it where it used to be because I'm so used to it!
-Thanks a little explanation/clearing up where the storage vanished two
PS. If you didn't do it then just tell me and I find the crime doer!
There is another storage! You can get there by going to the underground congress hall. In the hall itself I build some stairs that go down into the new big storage. Why build it there? So that, If we get in some war and it goes wrong, we can hide in there and we will immediatly have all the food/materials we need.

Next to that, there still are some empty houses in the town if I remember right. Atleast there is one next to the Inn. But I'll build more as soon as I got the time for it...

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
There is another storage! You can get there by going to the underground congress hall. In the hall itself I build some stairs that go down into the new big storage. Why build it there? So that, If we get in some war and it goes wrong, we can hide in there and we will immediatly have all the food/materials we need.

Next to that, there still are some empty houses in the town if I remember right. Atleast there is one next to the Inn. But I'll build more as soon as I got the time for it...
Thats great, whats happening to the old storage as its just there , empty, half town apart looking ugly! Maybe we can remove the remain chests and build something there like a underground libary?


Lord of Altera
I am planning on removing it completely for now, I have to re-arrange the space in the town a bit. I too am planning for example to move the farm outside the town and make the graveyard at the lowest level of the ravine (almost at the bottom). The graveyard that way will be usefull for cool RP and RP events (like a treasure hunt or something, it will be a bit like a maze). This too makes it capable for you to have a protected family tomb underground with traps ect. When this is done we will have more space above ground to build homes/shops/hospital/arena/militairy.


Lord of Altera
Alright right now I am busy with a rather 'secret' build. I wont tell you folks anything about it in here, maybe when I am online, because I dont want other people knowing about it. Just so you folks know...


Lord of Altera
  1. Archinot
  2. Glump Grimhold
  3. 27
  4. Earthspawn
  5. Click here to see.
  6. Guard/bodyguard,if possible, if not, a cook (not very similar proffessions)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I had an idea for what we could do with the old storage if we're not going to do anything else. While the new storage is public, we could make the old storage into a private one where everyone gets their own room to put their valuables and most powerful weapons and armor. We could then put in a gate to block it off in case of attack, and link it to the underground hall and new storage. I already have somewhat of a schematic prepared for us if you're interested.