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Clarification on Claims


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Personally... I absolutely love this. What with the way things are going, it'll make for some great RPs, I hope.

OOCly, I agree, you shouldn't be receiving any hate because of your characters' RP choices to declare Royalty so long as neither of you are confusing RP with OOC either. I'm sure you're not, it's just sad how many people can't get the very simple concept: Ced would hate the son of Leo, and Andras. The person playing Ced quite likes Spark and Mael.
So yes, OOCly, I love that we have some generally sensible RPers wielding the self-proclaimed Kings :p

RPly, isn't Royalty inherited? So, for example, Alexandria and her family would hold the 'rightful' crown (unless I've made a horribad mistake and she only rules the Forest Elves)? So technically, your characters' claims are unjust? Or? I'm sorry if I haven't fully understood the way the Elven monarchy works :p

Well pfft- In regards to OOC hatred, I think the best way to do it is to stay civil, and not give a damn when people can't grasp the fact that RP is different to OOC ^^


... I completely agree with this post. I don't understand why people would take a stab at you guys OOCly for RP. I don't blame either of you for being angry or upset about this, if I were in this position, I'd be feeling the same way. Their characters, as stated, have valid reasons for doing so. Andras has achieved his recognition and right to the claim due to actual RP that Mael has performed with him. Do you think he rose to his position in a night? No, he worked to be recognized as such. Spark's character is the son of Leo Lonmar, who also claimed kingship over the Elves. Let's be honest; he had the support of the Slayers, he did have the support of the Elves (not all, albeit), and he was one of the highest ranking members of the Elven society.

Also, is that not the whole point of a "claim"? Mael has even said that they're self-proclaiming(*) it.
*proclaimed to be or described as such by oneself, without endorsement by others.
Their characters are fully prepared and well aware that they're going to need to work for this and prove it to others, anyone who would assume to call themselves a king without the support of the people is a complete idiot... neither of their characters are. The whole point of a claim.

Jealous? Think your character has a better claim? Go and make it known in RP, don't hate on these two OOCly.

It is a personal choice, you don't need anything to make a claim. I am fed up with the shit that comes with it which is why I am making choices regarding my character's future just because it is too much effort to play my current character. Constant comment are just building up on my nerves and I just want to flip out at people when they make petty little comments. I can't do it anymore. I have had OOC hate from sooo many people over my time here and I just can't take it anymore. OOC hate for being in Lonmar, OOC hate for being a Vyre, OOC hate for being a bandit, now OOC hate for making a claim of Kingship. I just wish people would leave me alone damn it!!!!
... I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Just keep yo' head up, Sparky!


As much as I love your support, my mind is set. Please don't try and persuade me otherwise it will look like I am hunting for sympathy, which I'm not. I only ask for peace :p


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
As much as I love your support, my mind is set. Please don't try and persuade me otherwise it will look like I am hunting for sympathy, which I'm not. I only ask for peace :p
Perhaps in the future sometime... You can dust off the purple armour and the poncy blonde hair ;)

Either way, with whatever character, I am going to RP with you soon >:I


Ced said:
Perhaps in the future sometime... You can dust off the purple armour and the poncy blonde hair ;)

Either way, with whatever character, I am going to RP with you soon >:I
Only time will tell.

And of course!


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I see no problem in you claiming to be a king over something in RP. If you have followers and your powerful enough stay at the top, then who's to say no? If people don't like it then they can try to over through you.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Sheesh how did I just find this now

The Silver Crown will be shenaniganing all the Racial Leader whatnot. Woop woop!

Until I get around to it, you do what you want and claim what you want. Good preparation for the real fights to come.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I see no problem in you claiming to be a king over something in RP. If you have followers and your powerful enough stay at the top, then who's to say no? If people don't like it then they can try to over through you.

Also this ^

In this issue, there should be no OOC hate. RP is IC and IC is not OOC, we're to have fun


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Yeah what is this about RP hate going over to OOC? That's just wrong out right... :mad:


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
I don't mind OOC, I did make a post somewhere along the lines of "Oh no! Another Elven King!" But I can honestly say I didn't mean it :I

In RP is another matter however, my character has opinions and will live up to them! :D

What I am trying to say is the #1 Rule of RP is don't talk about RP is never let RP hate leak into OOC!


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
OOCly; More power to ya! Keep being the king you want to be and such.

RPly; Doesn't the Elven lore state that Elves typically do not go for monarchy and instead go for a democratic-esque/Communist-esque society?



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff



Magus of Nothing
I took over the greyling race with my brother. How did we do it? We forced every other greyling at the time to join us (ever other greyling being no others but meh). Then people started making more greylings so I forced them to join aswell. Would anyone now dispute Aeturn's leader role? No, because the greyling that does will die.