Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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clingbeetle white-list application [Declined - Sally]

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John Smith

Hello, my name is John and my Minecraft name is clingbeetle. My friend Mackenzie, or minecraft username macrocks11 told me about hollowworld servers and how amazing it is. I of course got jealous considering I have been looking for a good Minecraft server. I in fact have never played on an rp server of Minecraft before and am being explained how to play on an RP server right now over skype by Mackenzie right now. I am 16 years of age and have been playing minecraft since beta 1.8. Your server sounds truly fascinating and like a lot of fun to play on. If you are reading this thank you for devoting your time into reading my application. If you would like more information about my minecraft server history or personal information (not too personal...) I will be happy to resend another application containing those requirements. I will tell you though that I have never been banned from a server before and have never been truly fascinated by one before, but your's sounds like it may be an one that does it for me. Thank you!
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