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[Cult] Garden of inure


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

So many colours, so many different fur and skin. Teeth, bone, flesh chitin. All malleable to better suit our needs. There is so much rich
beauty in the diversity we find. Us paragons of chaos, druids to the garden. Inured to all the tools of change. Change is good and best for the world. Just you see.
Weep for those who root themselves to the chains of stagnation. Weep for the walled cities of stone, who leave behind the forest and nature ever abundant in forms.

The garden of inure remains a more mysterious cult of Jishrimites. Preferring to shed away the original forms and open their eyes to the many tools and methods of worship to warp their skin and flesh into more mundane items. .Sometimes to the extent where they are no longer recognizable by their loved ones. This is perhaps their goal. To create something new for Jishrim.
They bear an excruciatingly close resemblance to the druids of chaos, but remain independent of them. There is no elected leadership within the cult, though the highest tier blessed is often looked to for guidance. Instead, objectives and items of importance are looked to as a group. Individuals prize freedom, and do hardly like being ordered around. That is with an exception to their god. Retaining themselves closely to the forests and nature where they can find the life they need to apply and mutilate into better forms, more twisted forms.



Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

~ 10th day of Winterfeast, 2307/10th of December 2020, The fracture [No event link.]
After a heated meeting over who could better lead within the cult of STEP that almost expended the lives of not only one, but two devoted faithfuls to Jishrim. If not for his very own interference. It is concluded that those vouching for a different leader of the cult are kicked out. As a result, Bok'ra alongside those loyal to him depart off to create their own cult. They are granted this one chance to do so.

~ 22th day of Winterfeast, 2307/22th day of December 2020, [Transmutation]
A ritual is held where a previously tortured Glenn Louvel is released back into the world. Changed forever, with his eye claimed for sacrifice.

~ 9th day of Snowdown, 2308/9th of January: [Chasing life]
A ritual is held to summon life. Divine calling ushers Bok'ra and Iqya'mutt [Redacted], whereafter Life and Evil are summoned. Leviathan/Viktor asks of them how to proceed with their plans. Viktor is granted a strand of life's hair.

~ 12th day of Floodlock, 2308/12th day of February: [Predator or Prey III]
A hunt for more wolves proceeds. Bok'ra and his allies go forth into the forests where they find a cave empty of its den mother, left behind a pup which Bok'ra killed by biting its throat out on the spot after screaming out at the forests in violent intent. During this hunt they encounter a strange being, a Garulf, for the first time in history. It seemed for the most part, what they had sought to create, a werewolf. Thusly, being successful in some of their goals (?)

In addition, the business of Bok'ra, the tailors of the under-empire, extends its influence across Storms landing. Offering great payment for wolf pelts, thus encouraging the hunt of wolves across the country whether noble or common alike.

~ 13th day of Springrise, 2308/13th day of March: [Beauty of the Garden]
An event during which the garden of Jishrim is consecrated and thus begins to manifest several effects. Many of which pertain to the cult goal itself to establish the mantle of [Redacted] for Jishrim.

Prior to the consecration, the cultists performed mass kidnappings and brought them to their grand church. There, the kidnapped were tortured over several weeks until the time of Bok'ra's ascencion to Exalted. Before their parting, each victim had one or two of their eyes taken from them to be sacrifices. A further remark of what their goal truly was.

All the while, Bok'ra establishes further allies around the world. Seeking out suitable and strong individuals or factions such as Xozu Zalster and the Khrarstein coven to serve their cause in a mutual relationship. Increasing the influence of the cult around the world, in doing so.

The cult now looks to a goal to restore previously broken bonds with the cult of Jishrim: Stairway to eternal peace. Looking to [Redacted] Jishrim still holds life and use him, to restore a broken connection to attain more power.

7th day of Lightshine, 2308/7th day of June
Bok'ra has began to gather followers and useful allies to help his cause. Whether ultimately dispensable or not, they've helped. The UE, a company formerly known as the tailors of the under-empire changed its name to Artificers of the under-empire. Implying its been growing stronger. A company which has continued to funnel great amounts of money into the Jishrim cult and its allies since its creation.

Bok'ra joins the Red Court. An association of a particular race, a faction that runs things in the background from prying eyes. It allows Bok'ra certain freedoms he has not received before, thus ultimately providing greater chances at the cult goals.

The cultists find strange new growth in hidden places of Altera. Seeking to take and spread its seed into the Garden.

New followers arise, a rite of passage for new members begins.

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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
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