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Dishonored Awesome Moments and Help


Legend of Altera
So, I just finished the game last night and I was wondering what awesome moments everybody who has played the game found out about.

One for me was when I was sneaking into The High Overseers house and, instead of just knocing out Cambell and running like hell from the guards, I snuck around and choked them all so nobody was around to raise the alarm.

So, anybody got any stories (better then that example I hope XD)

Also, I guess it would be good for people to ask for help if they need it here. If your stuck somewhere or want to know how to beat a particular person without killing them or something, just ask away!


Gah, I don't have Dishonored yet but I really wish I did. But, assuming that once I get the game, an awesome moment(s) for me would be killing everyone who framed me for murder! Muahaha!


I honestly enjoy not killing them'll see why Dream.
The final ending? I heard that if you kill more people than spare them, the ending is dark, and the city becomes infested with rats at a much quicker rate - but if you spare people, the ending is much less dark.


Legend of Altera
The final ending? I heard that if you kill more people than spare them, the ending is dark, and the city becomes infested with rats at a much quicker rate - but if you spare people, the ending is much less dark.
Like I said, you'll see. Do you really think I'm going to tell you the ending :p Look it up if you want, but the endings have a more powerful impact if you play the game and then see them. I'm not talk about the ending when I say I don't kill them, I like to have the challenge of not killing as many people as I can. It's more fun and I honestly think I see more of the map when I play that way.


Like I said, you'll see. Do you really think I'm going to tell you the ending :p Look it up if you want, but the endings have a more powerful impact if you play the game and then see them. I'm not talk about the ending when I say I don't kill them, I like to have the challenge of not killing as many people as I can. It's more fun and I honestly think I see more of the map when I play that way.
Ah, I understand. Personally, I prefer just to spill the guts of everyone I see in video games, but eh..
As for telling me the ending, I didn't think you would, just confirm what I said about the rats and stuffs.


Legend of Altera
Well, to confirm the point, yes. The more kills you make, any kills for that matter, will add more to your Chaos meter. The Chaos meter is invisible, and you won't know if its gone up until the end of a chapter/mission. There is no way of brining it down again after it starts going up (well, that's a guess, but i've never seen it go down when I tried). You'll get more rats to watch out for, more weepers to watch out for (they are the last stage of the plague that's going around, just think Zombie with a brain and you've got the right idea) and more guards to deal with (more people you kill, more people are stationed in every mission).

How's 'bout dat answer?


Legend of Altera
Another awesome moment is when I was facing my first Tallboy. I didn't realize that one was coming up right behind me as I was trying to figure out a way to get into a particular building and get a Bone Charm out of it. Right before it fired, I tried to use my blink to get away from the rocket. That failed fantastically when I accidentally blinked right up to the person on the tall boy and sliced his throat. Got an achievement and everything for that :p


Legend of Altera
:) Yep, that's always a fun one. There is an achievement as well that you can get for that. Fry 5 people (not sure if they have to be citizens or just guards) and you get the achievement.

I once froze time on Caldwins Bridge, right in the area before Sokoloves home, and freed the test subnets. Now, I had the more powerful time stop, so I went around and knocked out the guards. The minute time came back on, all the guards just dropped like flys and the subjects ran for safety. A good deed done if I do say so myself. :)


Legend of Altera
You really don't need to do that. If people are reading this, they give up the right to keep the story a secret to themselves. Think of it, the tittle of the page is
Dishonored Awesome Moments and Help

So to come in this page and expect the story to not be told out front is kind of ignorant.


Lord of Altera
Does the name even matter...?

"Awesome Moments" - People would come to see people's awesome moments and hear stories about it. That's why I'm here.

Think about it.