Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

emBASSy-Application [Declined - Sally]

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1.My username in minecraft is jokaunited.
2.I am a 14 year old.
3.I am a male.
4.I live in Australia, down south
5.I have read the Survival guide and the Tome of Citizenship and I agree with everything stated.

6.I have been playing on my friends server and we did come up with the idea to make a world exactly like this, with each of us contributing in certain ways and doing certain jobs, I am currently the towns blacksmith and I do most of the crafting. I have played the elder scrolls series and enjoy them.

7.I love minecraft because it is an easy tool for my architectural drawings and I can experience what they are like. I love building and designing, I am told I have a vivid imagination and I plan to bring my Ideas to the community. I am an artist and I can bring my talents to the World of Altera and I hope to create large buildings that people will be in awe of. I am a chatty person and never turn down a good conversation. I am polite and I follow rules and I will do anything an admin asks me. I will work with others for the greater good of the community. I work better with others so bunking to make larger buildings would be easier. I believe I will be a help not a hinder to the world of Altera and help the world develop.
9.There is nothing else I would like to share.
10. I am aware that mods will be punishable and I will not use them
11.I found out about this server from basically scrolling through servers and a medieval server is what I would be interested in.
12.Is voting a requirement? because I do not want to make another account


Lord of Altera
It's been more than 5 days with no response, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Although you are free to reapply :D I hope you can fix your application up and try again.
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