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[Events] Fuvurian Calendar


Events Staff
Very Sweet

Fuvurian Calendar

There are several annual and monthly events throughout the year in Fuvurian lands. Not all of them are celebrated by each individual, and some are more private affairs, but for the most part its a good guide for any upcoming celebrations/traditions to prepare for.

{ Calendar Dates }
Months and their Events

Real - Common - Fuvurian

January - Snowdown - ???

1st January - Day of Renewal
A day dedicated to the renewal of the cycle. A festival is usually hosted on this day though many celebrate it at home, a standard tradition is to break open a cask of year aged wine or rum (or any alcohol really) and to share amongst friends as a way of 'breaking in' the new year.

February - Floodlock - ???
No events at this time.

March - Springrise - ???
No events at this time.

April - Truebirth - ???
No events at this time.

May - Sporebloom - ???
No events at this time.

June - Lightshine - ???
No events at this time.

July - Sunbright - ???
No events at this time.

August - Mistset - ???
No events at this time.

September - Fogwater - ???
No events at this time.

October - Ghostmoon - ???

31st October - Eve of Trickery

November - Stormwind - ???
No events at this time.

December - Winterfeast - ???

24th December - Eve of Midwinter
While preparations and celebrations for Midwinter often begin days before, and decorations are already placed, traditionally it is on this day that families get together. The city is decorated in Midwinter colours of green, white and blue. A large bonfire is organised by the Autarch of Sanardu in the place of the landing of the Cradle, and letters with wishes written upon them are tossed into the flame so the smoke carries it into the night air. Each year the flames are known to take on unique characteristics that are not typical of a usual fire, but each year is different to the last for the sake of entertainment.

25th December - Midwinter
The actual day of Midwinter is a large affair, with gift giving occuring before a large feast. Being in Sanardu, many families include a lot of seafood in their feasts, but the traditional main meal consists of bear the men of the family have gone out to hunt for in the week prior. The honoured guest (or guests) are offered seared slices of bear heart, though this tradition is far less common now. It is said that in days of Riseport, bear was replaced by Jaguar, and to eat the heart was to bring great fortune in the new cycle.

31st December - Day of Absolving
Typically not a large affair, it is the day that many Fuvurians would aim to forgive old grievances and to prepare for a new start the next day. It is also the day in which debts should be paid by, and outstanding issues to be dealt with. The idea is to be free of troubles for the next 'cycle' or year.

{ Un-Specified Dates }
These events are held all year around, with no specified date for celebration. Some are old house traditions that now extend to those outside of it.
= = =
(OOC: Yes this is similar to the Kane/Hallon layout. That's because I made that one haha.)

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