Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Everyone is not the Main Character


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
So, I'm not even sure if this is the right place, and Staff has permission to move/delete this thread.


If you've encountered this problem, please read, and refer to this thread.

At events, most commonly Crown ones, there have been overly large amounts of emotes, mostly from people attempting to join, or alter what is happening.

If you aren't directly involved in a preset event, don't emote. It ruins the chat, and slows the event.

That is all, I suppose.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, that and thoughts (is that an emote?) . Those can be rather annoying. One thing that could be used is the whisper chat setting; this is one thing it was designed for.

That's /ch w or /ch whisper for those who are unaware. It sets your chat distance to only 5 blocks. That way, only those near can hear you (I, for one, would prefer it to be only at two, because anyone who can hear a whisper from five metres away is rather an amazing listener) .

With this, you are then able to converse things with the person or people with whom you are at the event with sans causing a disturbance.


Lord of Altera
But then again, saying this is like saying "You can go to the concert but you're not allowed to sing along, clap, dance, smile or do anything" It ruins the point of allowing people into these events if they cannot even react


Lord of Altera
Yes, but in this case, people clapping stops us from being able to read what the band is singing.
(yes, confusing abuse of the metaphor, but use of it nonetheless)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
You may not be the main character in someone elses story, but in your own adventure in Hollowworld, you are the main character. I think people have a right to do as they so please. But that's just me.



Lord of Altera
OR they just make it more interesting as they have no purpous to exist: Eg. not being self proclimed king of a far off kingdome destroyed by a dragon etc. and continue to exist anyways