Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Folklore & Song


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Very Sweet
- V A L I A N T -
The Divine have a myriad of tales or songs dedicated to them, be it songs sung in taverns or stories told to children. Some are happier, some more grim, but these examples below are able to be common knowledge to any character, having heard it on their travels or told it in their childhood.

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A question that has been asked since the dawn of time, touched upon by the lips of every mortal, what happens when we die? For most, the answer comes in the form of Shalherana's daughter, The Grey Lady and her swarm of reapers. This is not the case for all, however, for those that die in war or battle have another fate entirely. This is the way of the world. The souls of the dead are wrought and brought to the mighty gates of Arbalor, a huge steel portcullis forged of the swords of the fallen that acts as the mouth to Valiant's realm. Here, they are given a choice. Attempt to live again, should they feel their path is not finished, or die and begin their service.
Those that choose to begin their service in the afterlife become members of the mighty Legio Lares. Their life's accomplishments are judged and they are assigned to an Archangel based on the quality of their life. Those that fought and died well are entered into the service of mighty Crusade, while those who were cowardly and died badly upon the losing side of wars are entered into the service of the cruel Kilrox.
Unlife in Arbalor is a simple state of existence of perpetual conflict. War is constant and training is eternal. One's only purpose in Arbalor is to better one's form and become better than the day before. To die in Arbalor is to return the next morn and start their journey again. The perfect soldiers. For there will come a day when the Pantheon and Altera is in such need that Valiant and his Court of Conflict shall ride forth from the heavens upon thunderous steeds, trailing storms in their wake. The skies shall open and the Legio Lares shall be unleashed on the darkness of injustice.
CREDIT: BoredBrit

The realm of Valiant is a vast plane floating beneath a reddened sky streaked by flashes of lightning and hounded by the pounding of thunder and field guns. A great stone citadel stands at the heart of the realm and is surrounded by battlefields, earthworks and fortifications. No matter where one looks, war rages on. It is a place of strength and honour, in which the Lares of both Legions are engaged in constant, unceasing warfare.
Within the Citadel itself there is a mighty hall in which Valiant rules with his Court of Conflict by his side, there are no thrones here, only a vast round table around which all must stand. All are equal in this hall and all are ready for the call of war. Upon the walls, shields bearing the sigils and arms of every warrior line the walls of this great hall and each one is known personally to Valiant for he knows their bearers and their deeds.
CREDIT: BoredBrit

Hear! Cloud’s rumble comes
Raise thine shield and heart
Like thunder let feet be drums
Wall-like shape ne’er apart
Listen! Brave souls advance
Let thy Aegis be undented
Be it blade or spell or lance
You hero who ne’er relented
Cry! The storm knocks strong
Thy guarding brother is thy life
He first, and you the bardic song,
We do not falter under strife
Remember It is you the Lord has favoured
Now rain down, o phalanx unwavered!
CREDIT: Jeroxia
