Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Forum RP] A calling of Thieves


Settling in Altera
-Urchin boys scamper across the rooftops of every major city, littering the floors with flyers. All bear the same message, all from the same man, The Sagacious Man.-

To all those of the shadow; assassins, thieves, pirates and crooks. I bid you good wishes and a warm welcoming. In times to come, events will take place all over Altera, of which I require your most gracious help. A large heist is to be pulled, one of tremendous value and it is here where I shall require your assistance. All those interested in partaking in such an event will be greatly rewarded, and if you wish to question what we will be stealing, I am only a letter away. If you wish to hold a meeting, this is possible but it shall be under my terms, on my grounds. I not only look for part time mercenaries of the darker nature for this job but permanent allies in joining the Mockers. A Guild where Thieves may flourish alone or in groups, where we train one another, from fencers to bashers to thieves, we accept all without prejudice of race, faith or ancestry. If you're perhaps interested, leave a letter atop the Blacksmith in Port Silver by the harbor. My friends will receive the letter and pass it onto me.

((If interested respond here or in a private message [PM] as a letter response.))​