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[Forum RP] A disappearance


Settling in Altera
The day had began early, the sun had not yet touched the horizon when Lysle frantically raced around his office within the Palace, preparing everything. He had smashed the furniture, ripping open the chests and making the place a mess, the blood he had gathered was smeared over the white bed sheets, trailing down the stairs and out the window. His departure appearing less likely, more-so a murder, he bolted the door locked. He placed the jar of blood back into the bag over his shoulders, peering over the edge from the broken window glass, seeing the faint ant-like people below waiting for him. He began his descent, climbing ever so slowly down the tower, unseen in the darkness, his clothing all black. The moment he trod a single foot on the grass after almost an hour of climbing, the first rays of sunshine appeared.

It was not long before he and his companions had fled the city, out in the open plains. They did not stop until they had arrived at a river crossing, these were no Mockers but lifetime friends, they knew of his alter-identity and he did not fear that they knew. Haelen Blacklocks stood by his side, the most loyal and steadfast of them all, Pasang Zhao stood ahead of the group in his monk robes, his short stature almost matching the Dwarf Haelen. The three Templar brothers stood back, their tabards dirtied, ripped and bloodied and lastly the final member of the group, Shu Jing, a notorious Admiral turned Pirate. This had been his company on many trips, from the swamplands of Farborough to the blistering frozen wastelands where your biggest enemy is the cold itself. They had endured much and more for a single common goal, their faith. Haelen follows the Goddess of Death, Khali-Shi, Pasang follows the Greater God of Balance, Hom-Shodo, the three Templar brothers are steadfast followers of vengeance, Ka-Hooli and lastly Shu Jing, the Dead God Eortis of the Oceans.

A lone rider appeared in the horizon, the final member of their company, Roland Bucklebolt, the most mysterious and eldest of their group, the very man that raised Lysle. The company had greeted him with open arms, shaking hands and some even hugging him with a pat on the back. It was only a days ride to where they were going, the ship and crew awaited them. Lysle with his mask on had seen Nwalme as he left the Palace, giving a farewell and revealing the location of Gelyks son, whom was secretly still alive. Lysle had revealed to him that the child that was hung by the rope and lit aflame was a starved orphan already dead on the street, they beat his face to a bloody pulp and used his corpse as a hoax in their plot. He had held a final meeting with only a handful of the Mockers, he did not waste time waiting around for the others. The Mockers were becoming a smaller branch and the capital branch would be located off-shore in distant lands.

The company did not tarry in their trip to the coastline, their horses reared as they finally caught a first glimpse of the ship sitting anchored out at sea, a large Galleon worthy of any King or Queen. Many men worked on the sandbanks heaving chests onto small boats and rowing out to the ship, in such chests contains schematics, maps, coin, clothes, weapons and many many books. They kicked their horses and speed towards the ship with haste. Their horses were led away as they jumped onto the sand, their boots sinking slightly, trudging towards a boat Shu Jing ran ahead and began barking orders. Lysle remained unphased and sat in the small rowboat, his boots and trousers soaked by the salt water, his friends sitting around him, all silent. They were rowed out to the boat where Lysle quickly made his quarters the Captains Quarters, although Shu Jing would be commandeering this ship. The others of his company found their beds with the other numerous sailors, but not only sailors but thieves, cut-throats and pirates. One among them was Logan, one of the more notorious and well known thieves on the ship.

Sailors rushed about the ship with hundreds of jobs that Lysle couldn't and wouldn't fathom for the seas were not his kingdom, but the rooftops of cities is where he calls home. The sudden decision to abandon Port Silver came with news of Julianna, apparently she had been sighted in this city they were heading to. Lysle had dreamed of this moment since the very time she betrayed him and ordered his execution, and now it was only a few months of sailing away. The Palace hadn't heard word of Lysle in days, his door remaining closed and locked, if the guards were to ram down his door they would find the trail of blood leading out the smashed window, his entire room torn apart but only a single portrait would remain untouched upon the wall, the only thing that was not harmed, staring right back at the door.



Retired Staff
(Is it okay if I bring Mr. Metal into this thing? He may not be what you're after in a roleplay...)


Settling in Altera
((Sure, go ahead and bring him in. Oh and by the way, the ship is Lysle leaving this server. Of course I'm happy to RP you sneaking on the ship and kicking you off if you're found ;)
Edit: Picking up my sisters from school, my response /may/ be late.


Carpet Monkey
As the ship is sailing away on one of the cliffs nearby a rider appears. he is covered by a long coat with hood and infront of the trees hard to see. He heared strange rumours about Sagacious leaving town in a hurry and followed as soon as he could. For some time now he had his suspicions against Lysle but proof? there is none. And now he is dead. Or is he? Still that man [Sagacious] is the one that killed the son of his best friend. He has an obligation towards Kairo, dead or not.
"Even the end of the world won't be far enough, Mocker"
in response to him rising his hand 10 other riders appear and ride of in both directions of the coast. They will infiltrate the porttowns, meet other.....friends.....and soon first sailors will go on a trip to other continents.
"You will need to get on land somewhere and thats when i will find you"


Lord of Altera

The night wind blows as a hooded man approaches the boat, his brown cloak fluttering in the night breeze. The mysterious man nods towards a few of the cutthroats that border the ship, as he steps onto the gangplank. The wood creaking beneath his leather boots as he continues to walk up it. A small leap from the gangplank onto the ship is all that separated him from Altera. He yawned loudly as he outstretched his arms, looking around and smirking under his hood.
"The Mockers move again, tis' a shame we didn't kill Kyro..."
The man chuckles as he removes his hood, revealing a dirty face, brown hair that has been unkempt, dirt that stains his cheeks and contrasts against his green eyes. The brother of a sailor, the thief of the mockers was upon the ship. Augustus Elgan glanced back to the dock, still smiling as he walked across the top deck, walking towards the Captain's quarters and knocking on the wooden door, whistling to himself as he thinks to himself.
"It's time for Change, things will change around me and I'll adapt, as I am Change..."


Carpet Monkey
(( btw, i totally forgot to add that but it was awesome having you here on HW, one of the best roleplayers i met so far!




Settling in Altera
((Nay, I'm leaving the server. It just isn't for me. My apologies. Feel free to RP on here, this thread will be my last RP))


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
( Not going to lie, sad to see you go. Hope you have fun in whatever you do next! )



sparkles emoji
(So sad to see you leave, Cataris. Wish I could have RPed with you more. :l
I will miss you! Have fun in whatever you're going to do! *Salutes*)


The Mogul of Cromarcky
(It's a shame to hear this. You're a good roleplayer who knows how to play a villain well, something that very few can truthfully claim. I was looking forward to our next interactions, seeing as we had unfinished business. ;)

Safe travels good sir, I hope you find what you are looking for.)


Settling in Altera

Serenity smiles as she stands next to Lysle on the boat, looking into the distance. She slowly moves her hand over his back and comforts him lightly as she sees the light slowly dying in his eyes, the love Lysle once knew for this land is now gone and the dramatic cliffs that slowly fade away become ever so small. Finally over..

"It has been such a long time since we have moved locations but it was slowly becoming time.."