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[Forum RP] A Family Reunion


Settling in Altera

Lysle Rigger lead his longtime friend, companion and fellow thief to a lonesome table in the loud, bustling tavern. He pulled out Logans chair for him and sat opposite to him, waving his hand for one of the various tavern hands to bring over mead. As the woman approached her eyes widened slightly, recognizing Lysle and speaking "Here you're sir, consider them on the house". Lysle took the platter and sat it gently against the table, he scratched the small bit of black hair on his chin. It had been nigh a decade or two since Lysle and Logan had crossed paths, Lysle now walks with a limp and a cane, his right eye missing and a long scar tracing up his right cheek to his empty eye socket. He wears elegant clothing, befitting someone of high status or that of a wealthy merchant. The moment the woman has become out of earshot, Lysle quickly leans forward like a hungry lion, gripping the sides of the table and whispering in a harsh voice.

"Mate, it has been years but don't you dare mention any of my deeds unless no one is around. No one knows I am a thief, my alter-identity is completely invisible. Now, how in the seven hells of the Mad God did you get here? What are you doing here Logan? I don't understand. Look, if you wish to talk with free-will, I will go retrieve my mask and we can find another tavern to sit in and talk?"

Lysle tenses up and slowly releases his grip on the table, sitting back and putting his posture back into order; straight back, head held high, a man befitting of nobility. His cane once resting against the table had been jostled and fell to the wooden floor.


Logan chuckles, giving off a sense of lack of caring. He leans back in his chair, leaning off to the side. His bloodshot blue eyes look around the room. He has grown thin, but not weak. His face is a jumble of scars now and his hands are callused.

"Calm your bussom. Ya' dont have ta be so damn touchy. I would tell you why im here but besides shit going sideways with 'free men' i dont rightly know myself. Go. Change your clothes and let us talk openly."


Settling in Altera
Lysle stands up from the table, limping heavily on his cane and begins to leave the building, as he walks past Logan he whispers.

"Find another table in here. Bring the mead with you if that is your wish."

Lysle walked out into the cold night, it was nigh an hour before he returned, this time in a different attire. He wore a mask of iron carved into the face of a scowling man, a brown woolen hood over his head, black trousers and a light brown tunic, wearing light brown knee-high boots. He wore two belts around his waist, all with hanging sheathed daggers, he also wore a bandoleer across his chest with various pouches for lock-picks, crossbow darts and coins. As per usual he wore other leather straps around his thighs, biceps and wrists, all carrying more lock-picks and more crossbow darts. He looked around for where Logan now sat, or if he was even still here while keeping an eye open for anyone that might cause trouble.


Lord of Altera
Within the hour Lysle was gone, Vexille had walked in and leaned against a post near the middle of the tavern. Her gray cloak blending half way with the darkness around her. Only the dancing flames of lanterns giving her location. A few needles are tied to her right upper leg. In her mouth as she looks around is one of the needles twitching up and down as she continues to look around. Seeing her master walk in she goes over to him after taking out the needle and pulling up a bit of cloth with a sharp fanged mouth sew in the front over the lower part of her face.

"Sir." She says walking closer to him. "What brings you here tonight?" A small smile playing her face under the cloth.


Logan steps out from the shadows that had enveloped him in the corner of the room. He sat down briskly, not saying anything for a moment. He pulls his hood up more, make sure his face is fully hidden from sight. The light flickers accross his face, the shadows dancing, waving in intricate patterns as if they yearned to be one with Logan.

"Took you damn long enough. Nearly walked out that damn door after a minute or two. See if you still got it im you to keep up with the best."

Logan sighs, and fidgets with his belt, moving it around so that it sits more comfortably. He looks on at his friend, wondering whats been going on and why the secrecy is needed.


Settling in Altera
Sagacious speaks to her in ease.

"A long time friend has arrived, a brother of decades past. Come, it will be good for you to meet him. He just may be our new Nightmaster."

Sagacious waves his hand out from his long fur cloak, its end softly hitting the back of his boots as he walks about the room. His only eye peering out from the small slits in the mask, looking about for his friend, the smoke in the tavern made it harder to see what was in the darkened corners. He did not walk with a limp but that of a man in his prime, his thumbs hooked between belt and waist, fingers drumming the leather belts. From behind it would be noticeable that something large and bulky was hidden behind his cape, bouncing with every movement. He looks at the outline of a hooded man, he grins from behind his mask and approaches the table and as he is about to walk past the table he glances into his shadowed face, recognizing the few features he could, he pulls out the chair and before sitting down, reaches behind his cape. He pulls out a loaded crossbow that was once hidden and sits it on the table, a hook sitting near where the crossbow is shouldered, apparent that he uses that to hook it onto his belts.

"Safety first, eh?"

He finally sits down in the chair and motions for Vexille to take a seat.

"You may call me The Sagacious Man, or Mr. Sagacious."


"Aye, ill try and remember that. Names 'Silk' now."

Logan looks up at the hooded girl.

"Who in the name of Khali-Shi is this and what is this Nightmaster shit eh?"


Lord of Altera
Vexille looks at them but does not site. She looks toward Logan and bows with her right hand over her chest. "Greetings." She then stands behind the Sagacious Man with her fingers tracing the six needles tied to her right leg. The small edge of a "V" shaped burn partly visible on her left cheek.


Settling in Altera
"Silk, she is a sister, one our own, or at least of this branch... after that traitor of a daughter usurped power."

Sagacious studies Logan, as if unsure he is really there, if this was just a hallucination.


"You really need to fill me in on whats going on here. Im as useful as a babe right now if i know nothing."

States back at his friend, wondering how he got here and if it really is him behind the mask.


Settling in Altera
"After everything that happened back home, I decided to leave. In the end I believe I caused more harm and taking back what was mine was a suicide mission for not just myself, but for Red Raven and my children. When everything went down shit creek, I commandeered one of my ships and followed the others, about halfway the ship was sabotaged thanks to the traitorous wench and I barely managed to survive. I washed up near here and I have been here since. I decided to create the Mockers, a guild of Thieves. In the past, I was forced into creating the guild by Red Raven, she threatened to reveal my personal identity if I didn't help her, thus I did, and I am glad I did; but now I have freedom. Much has happened since we last met, the Mockers are not as strong as the others, nor as many allies, but we're gaining strength and quicker than last time. Now, I know you know my real identity and those from our past know, but people here don't, even our sister here. So do me a favor and do not mention my name, it would be quite unfortunate. Now, are there any others with you?"

Sagacious had been fiddling with his thumbs the entire time, obviously very nervous, something he isn't very often.


"And i expect the same in return. If you're asking me to join your guild, I'd be honored. And as for my story, it is quite similar. I became nobody after you ran off. I had no respect and was put down for trying to uphold the standards you set up for us. It became a shit storm so i left for the better. I hoped on a ship and wound up here. Nothing fancy. "

Logan sighs, thinking about all hes been through and what he's come from.


Settling in Altera
"I've met Shu-Jing here, if you remember his tale? The Admiral turned Pirate? He stole an entire fleet in a night and sailed off to not be seen again? He's been wandering the streets and eyeing the ships, he is up to something. Augustus is also from our home, he is now apart of the Mockers. A shame I never befriended him before my arrival. I guess the Gods have brought us all together, would you not deny this?"

Sagacious places his clasped hands on the table, resting beside the crossbow.


"I wouldn't deny it. It is truly fortunate. Although vant say i remeber those people. Ive been gone a long time and have done my best to jog those memories. Even seeing you here today has brought up scars i thought would never resurface." Logan eyes the crossbow. "Not planning on using that are you?"


Settling in Altera
"Only if someone attempts to kill me. A lot of people want to. I've begun some plans and it involved the public execution of a certain Inquisition Marshall's son. Something the Upright Man would never have done, but new beginnings, a new name and a new man. If this weren't what the Gods wanted, then Banath the Trickster is dying of laughter right now. I must warn you, do not openly speak of our religion, the people here follow some other religion and Inquisitors kill or torture those who do not follow it. They'd call you and I heretics, it is almost laughable."

Sagacious turns his head to see if Vexille is still there, or even listening.


Lord of Altera
Vexille stands there looking down at them with her good left eye. "<They sure like to talk...>" She mumbles to herself in elfish. She sighs and takes a pick look around, her fingers still tracing the needles around her leg.


"I see. They can try and take me. It won't end well for them." His hands unconsciously drop to his belt, feeling the hilt of his dagger and short sword, assuring they are still there. "Ill hold my tongue though. You must fill me in on your plans when you have the chance. We could have accomplished great things and we never were given the opportunity to. Let us rise from the ashes and forge a new empire."


Settling in Altera
Sagacious smirks from behind his mask and speaks in a broken Elvish.

<I ear that.> He then speaks in the common tongue "My wife was an Elf."

He looks back to Logan and continues to speak.

"That is my very plans. I am planning a war with the Inquisition, one to truly test their might, even if we do not win, we will show them we are not to be meddled with. I must warn you, if my daughter steps one foot on this land, or any other of the traitors that turned their back on me, I will slice their throats and hang them by their feet from the harbor. They ruined more than just everything I built, they ruined my body and my mind."

Sagacious stands up and places a firm hand on the table, leaning over, his voice softening as if he were a father talking to a tired son.

"Get some sleep, Logan, we'll talk in the morning. It has been good to see you again."


Lord of Altera
Vexille tenses and slightly bows. "S-sorry sir. I was unaware. I will hold my tongue in the future." She mumbles out to him.


Settling in Altera
"I am not a slave master, speak what you wish, as you will learn from Logan, he expresses his freedom regularly, both to my face and to others."

Sagacious looks towards Logan, now fast asleep in his seat.

"Hmph, I might stay the night here and make sure no one messes with him."

Sagacious moves around the tavern, finding a large and mostly empty table and seats himself there, resting his crossbow on his lap and asking for a tavern hand. Once there he asks for a variety of fruits and meat. He relaxes in his chair, pulling some of his cloak around him and awaits for his food.

"Come, sit and eat. You make me uncomfortable acting like a vigilant soldier."