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[Forum RP] A Family Reunion


Lord of Altera
She walks over slowly looking around and sits across from him. "Im sorry. Im not used to working in a relaxed group you could say." She places her hands on the table, a needle twitching between her fingers. She then leans back and pulls the cloth down from her face. "<It gets stuffy in that thing.>" She complains a little.


Settling in Altera
Sagacious leans forward onto the table, keeping his voice somewhat down so that not too many can overhear, staring only straight ahead at those moving about the tavern.

"You do not have to stay the night." He glances over at the sleeping Logan and around at those around him. "I can look after him by myself for tonight, I owe him that and a world more. But I would enjoy company while I make sure no one tries to steal from him or worse."

He looks to Vexille, but likewise she had fallen asleep too.

"Well then, so much for company. Let's see what the night brings us.."


Lord of Altera
A man sighs as he walks into the tavern, the navy uniform hanging loosely from his shoulders as he looks around. He spots Sagacious, a smirk appearing on his face as he starts to walk towards the table. "Yohoho, the sailor's life for me! What goes, what comes, the navy will see!" Augustus' rough, unshaven face would be the first thing on attention, his appearance has went quite downhill since their last encounter. He chuckles loudly, yelling at the closest barmaiden.
"Oi Wench, bring meh yer strongest bit ov' ale!"
Augustus sighs as he sits down near Sagacious, the smell of ale and the sea hitting the patron's senses. "Tis' what I do for you Sagacious..." He sighs as his voice becomes more 'elegant', the loud tone now gone. "It seems the plan is slowly coming to light, I shall have the 'item' soon enough..." Augustus sits back in the chair, cracking his knuckles as he looks at Sagacious.


Settling in Altera
Sagacious looks up from his glass of water, a chicken bone sitting on his plate.

"Ah good, and it is also good to see you. It seems my company have fallen asleep."

He hikes a thumb over to another table where Logan has slumped down in his chair and snoring loudly, then he nods his head towards Vexille, sleeping quietly opposite to Sagacious.

"Have you heard of the Lawful Man? he once went as the man named Silk? of the Thieves Guild back home?"


Lord of Altera
Augustus sighs loudly. "They could of at least went into their rooms, not lie as open prey to thieves like us." Augustus smirks as he waves the barmaiden over, grabbing a flask of ale from the tray. He then raises the flask to his lips and starts to drink it, slamming it onto the table, spilling small amounts of ale around the table. "Yes, The Lawful Man... A 'basher' I would say..." Augustus smirks as he lowers his tone, it becoming a near whisper. "I presume you've found him? These talks of the old lands do make me wonder who you are... Sagacious?" He looks at Sagacious' mask, his eyebrow slightly raised as he leans back in his chair.


Settling in Altera
Sagacious smirks from behind his mask.

"You don't think I don't do background checks on those I wish to recruit? If you wonder who I am, only look to the old lands and think of the Upright Man for that is I. The Lawful Man has come here these lands, he will be taking the position of Nightmaster."


Lord of Altera
"Why change your name? The Upright man had a marvelous ring to it, especially when you broke into the Alrasian Vaults..."
Augustus chuckles to himself,
"It's been so long since others have been from the old lands, my brother still resides there, I have nay idea of his current status."
He swigs the ale, a small splash of ale staining the white navy clothes.
"So the night has been fulfilled it seems, how about the day?"
He lowers the flagon of ale onto the table, proceeding to drum on the table with his fingertips.


Settling in Altera
"The Upright Man wouldn't have hung a boy of 5 summers. Things happen and people change."

Sagacious whistles to another tavern hand, asking for more chicken and looks at Augustus with a cold glare behind his mask, he looks back down to the table.

"My days are none of your concern."


Logan snores in his sleep, stirring lightly. He shifts every so often, sleepin soundly. He wakes up after an hour or two. He gets up slowly, stretching his tight and sore muscles. He blinks away the grogginess from his eyes, looking for his friend and his companion. He spots him at a table several tables away, deep in conversation but ever watchful. It was reasons like this that Logan loved his mentor. He slowly walks over, the sleepiness leaving his body. He sees Sagacious deep in conversation with the ragged navy soldier.
As he walks over he flicks a thumb toward the navy man.

"And who's this one now? Another of our notorious bunch? If that is the case, i welcome you with open arms. If not, a fool can put tht much together and i hope you not to be such a thing. You look like you got your wits about ya for the most part. "


"sir, sir" Pants a masked figure covered in sweat.

"I failed to take out the target, but the silver cloaks are serching building by building for men of your descriptions. They are only about a block away, we must move you to safety"


Settling in Altera
Sagacious smiles warmly from behind his mask as Logan joins.

"Aye, friend, this is Augustus."

The moment the doors crash open and the masked figure approaches them, Sagacious had gripped his crossbow on his lap and almost ready to raise it, he looks to his companions and replies to the man.

"You have got to be kidding me. What in the damn sever hells have you done?"

He looks to Logan and speaks up. "Come, we must not tarry, and if this be an ambush.." He turns to face the individual "Your neck will be wrapped by my friends hands". He gives a quick look to Augustus and nods towards Vexille and motions his hands for him to stay there.


"I suggest the roofs or the underground sir they would not follow you through ether, I promise you it be not an ambush"
I glance at the door nevusly
"we must move quickly sir"


Settling in Altera
"The roofs have a name, boy, Thieves Highway." He smirks and approaches the door first, opening it up and peering out down either way of the streets.


Logan pushes past them all, walking out. He glances back over his shoulder.

"Go my friend. Do not tarry eh? Go and i will make sure our read is not overtaken. Run like the wind and may Khali-Shi watch over you. I will follow when you all have gone."


Settling in Altera
Sagacious uses the hook on the crossbow to hook it on his belt and allowing it to dangle there. He runs across the street and towards the building opposite, the lights all out. He turns to Logan and states.

"Would you mind knocking it down?"


Logan runs accross the street, keeping his profile low and small. He wiggles the door handle just in case and steps back. With a grunt he kicks the door with all his might. I buckles slightly but doesnt break. He steps back again and kicks it with a roar. The door splinters into pieces, still on the frame though. Logan grabs the cut up door and rips it off the hinges. He motions for his friend to enter.

"After you."


Settling in Altera
Sagacious steps through first, hearing the faint footsteps of a worried husband checking what the sound was.

"We need to head upstairs immediately."

Sagacious begins to hurry up the stairs, the moment he reaches the top is when the husband bumps into him, Sagacious gives a quick apology before slamming a fist into his nose, causing the man to stumble back. Before he can utter a sound of alarm or a shout of pain, Sagacious had quickly moved forward to wrap one hand around his throat and the other around his mouth. He continues to squeeze down onto his throat, the man scratching and clawing at him until he falls into unconsciousness and slumps in his grip. Sagacious released the grip and gentled lowered him to the floor. He turns back to see where the duo are.


"I shall delay them as long as posible in the street for you, I will find you later" says the masked man who runs down the reading weapons and equipment


Settling in Altera
Sagacious moves from the body and towards the nearest window, that being the bedroom of the husband, the wife sits in bed, pulling the sheets up over her body and staring at the man that just smashed open her window and then climbs out and stands on the window sill. He turns around and looks up, the roof is so close. He jumps on his feet, attempting to get a grip on the tiles, it took him three jumps before he was finally able to grab a hold, now the real work. He grunts and grimaces as he slowly lifts his weight up onto the roof, further up and up he pulls himself until finally he lays down on the roof, looking about and waiting for Logan.


Logan watches as his friend knocks the man unconscious and slumps down. He runs up the stairs, feet making no noise on the stairs. He watches Sagacious slowly pull himself up, muscles straining to pull himself up. As he disappears out of sight, Logan nods his head toward the lady underneath the blanket. "Fancy seeing you here." Without waiting to see the horrified look on he face, he spins on his heels and walks toward the window. He jumps high, barely managing to get his shortish body close enough to the sill to grab on. He reaches for all hes worth and grabs on, his fingers tearing and muscles straining. He pulls himself up with a grunt or two. He rolls onto the roof, grinning at his friend.

"Where to now?"