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[Forum RP] A Family Reunion


Settling in Altera
"Somewhere to rest and this time you're making sure no one messes with me whilst I sleep."

He stands up on his feet, brushing his knees and begins to job, his fur cape flowing in the wind. He continues to run and run, leaping from rooftop to rooftop until he leaps down into an alleyway, making sure Logan jumps down. Sagacious looks down the other end of the alley, once clear he pulls a lever and the cobblestone ground shifts under them, revealing a staircase.

"Shall we?"


Logan runs accross the rooftops following his mentor with surprising agility for suha small, sturdy man. He drops down behind Sagacious and nods.

"After you of course old friend."


Settling in Altera
Sagacious hurries down the staircase, he looks back up to see Logan following and the moment they're down in the sewers, the roof to the staircase rolls back over. He begins to stroll past the sewer water, walking on a small walkway beside it. He turns right and finds himself in a small wooden room.

"Make sure no one comes near, if you see anyone, slice their throat, it shouldn't be too hard to see them. They can only come from one direction."

He walks further into the room, minutes later he returns back out, his mask gone and wearing the noble attire he wore earlier. He whistles for Logan to follow and they retreat the way they came, finding themselves in the alleyway once more. Lysle now walks with a limp and cane in hand, walking down the street towards the gates. Once the Silvercloaks sees him they open the gates for him, allowing him and Logan to pass into the city. Further and further they make their way towards the palace atop the mountain. The Royal Guards nod in Lysles direction as they pass through the various gates that would normally block entry to unwanted visitors. At this point they're walking through the elegant Palace, Lysles footsteps and cane echoing in the silent halls, walking up twisting staircases and across walkways, Lysle continues to lead the way until they're finally near the top of the highest tower in the Palace, as he enters a room the door reads "Crown Physician". He waits for his friend to walk through before closing the door behind him.

"No mentioning my other affairs while we're here, if you get my meaning."


Logan walks with Lysle through the royal district. He looks forward but he takes in everything. The sounds, the smells and more importantly, where everything is. His thoughts race as he tries to comprehend what is going on. He knew Lysle was a very persuasive person but this seemed like his most elaborate scheme yet.

Logan nods at Lysle, promising in motion not to say a word. "Excuse me for just a moment though." He turns around and pulls a tighly packed ball of clothes. He unfolds them and quickly changes into them. He is now wearing a very simple white flannel shirt and loose fitting pants much like a pirate would wear. A green and brown mottled vest lay over his shirt, all his tools hidden in the pockets. Given their age they are in amazing condition. The vest is slightly faded in color but it looks more than fine. Just to add to the outfit, he pulls out a tri-pointed leather hat much like that a pirate would wear.

"Now it looks like I am an ordinary body guard to the Crown Physician, does it not? Go. Sleep now. I will watch and make sure nobody followed us here."

As Lysle dozes off to sleep, Logan strols around the room inspecting everything from notes to potions to his various instruments. He sits down at the deskand picks things up and begins to read them, trying to piece things together and find out what it is Lylse does exactly.


Lord of Altera
Vexille lays half slumped on the table. Her short jet black hair falling around her face under the hood. Slowly she wakes and pushes herself off the table before rubbing her eyes and looking around. A bit of panic hits her after not seeing her master. She curses in elfish and looks at the "Navy" man next to her. Her right hand darts to her side and grabs one of the needles from its sheath. Then taking a second look at the man she sees him asleep. Breathing a sigh, she stands and makes her way to the door.

Stepping outside into a light rainfall. Looking up and down the street she pulls her hood down and the cloth away from her neck. Folding it up before returning it to the bag on her back. "<I sure did great last night...Falling asleep in front of him...Way to go Ve...>" She mumbles as she walks off toward the mark to start her day life once more.