Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Forum RP Post] Bounty: 10,000 Reward


Settling in Altera
Throughout the night, a scattering of parchments fall upon the city floor as roof to roof Thieves leap and hop, throwing out the same bounty all over the city. The parchments slowly and softly fall to the cold cruel cobblestone ground.​
Reward: 10,000 Radiants​
Person wanted: Possibly Halfling or Greyling. Wears all grey with grey hood. Carries a poisonous knife. Last seen around Port Silver harbor.​
Wanted for: Attempted murder. Poisoning. Stalking.​
How to claim Reward: Leave a note on the roof of the Glassworks store at dusk. Keep individual alive. If you torture him and have him still breathing, you will gain a greater reward. My people will make sure you have the individual and once confirmed, they'll take him from you and I'll send a boy to deliver you your reward. My people that arrive to take said individual will give you the location on where to claim your radiants.​
((Do not post on this thread with OOC, please keep it to a private message.
If I'm not online, RP leaving the letter on the roof here.))​